MIREN ERASO (1960-2009)

Miren Eraso, main editor of ZEHAR magazine since 1995, manager of the documentation center of Arteleku, artistic director of the same art center during  2007-08 and among some other things one of the promoters of the publication of the book Noise & Capitalism (she co-founded the editorial serie KRITIKA in 2008), passed away quietly yesterday.
We want to send a warm huge to all his family.

Thank you very much Miren.

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3 Responses to “MIREN ERASO (1960-2009)”

  1. Georg Schoellhammer Says:

    It is just now that we take notice of this so sad news. Alessandro Ludovico from Neural passed it to us. For us in springerin in Vienna Mirens presence and her editorial work for Zehar was the most visible and well conceived we knew in the Spanish context. As a co-founder of MagNet Mirens voice and her insisting in keeping things on display was crucial for the network. As editor of documenta12 magazines I remember her being a charmingly sceptical but always constructive contributor! Miren, why so early?

  2. Nat Muller Says:

    It is with great sadness that i learned of Miren’s untimely passing. Why did this go so unnoticed in the cultural community? I knew her as an enthusiastic and driving force behind the MagNet initiative. Her sharp intellect and warm personality will be dearly missed.


  3. eraso Says:

    [...] leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. See ya around! Recent Posts …NOISE & CAPITALISM Blog Archive MIREN ERASO (1960-2009)MIREN ERASO (1960-2009) Zaila, oso zaila egiten da halakoak idaztea, zaila, tristea eta … Miren [...]

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