February 8th, 2010 by audiolab4 audio files by Fozia Khaliq in exchange of Noise & Capitalism book
4 audio files by Fozia Khaliq in exchange of Noise & Capitalism book
A Radio-perfomance divided in 2 sets conceived by Mattin, with Rubén Gutiérrez del Castillo (expert on improv music), José Manuel Costa (Music journalist, “Vía límite” radioshow director, also in Radio Clásica/RNE ) and Miguel Alvarez Fernandez (main conductor of “Ars Sonora” radio show). This radioperformance was dedicated to the issues addresed on “Noise & Capitalism” book.
Ars Sonora is a radio show dedicated to radioart, electroacoustic music and Sound Art broadcasted in Radio Clásica, Spanish National Radio.
Ruido y Capitalismo @ Ars Sonora 1
Ruido y Capitalismo @ Ars Sonora 2
“MARK THIS” by Nick Gaetano, in response to Noise & Capitalism trading.
Julien Besse member of GRRRNDZERO platform (concert management, magazine, blog..) has translated by his own iniciative some excerpts of text that conformed Noise & Capitalism book to french. It’s a great job that we really appreciate and of course, gratefully thank.
Below, you can find his translations.
L’essai Noise & Capitalism, publié par un collectif de musicien-ne-s issu-e-s des musiques expérimentales, improvisées ou bâtardement rassemblées sous le terme générique de “noise”, est un pavé de 200 pages traîtant du potentiel de subversion & d’émancipation de ces musiques dans le contexte néo-libéral actuel, contexte qui se nourrit de plus en plus de l’art, de la créativité individuelle et des contre-cultures pour donner un nouveau visage au capitalisme. La lecture de Noise & Capitalism peut être laborieuse, étant donné qu’il n’ a été publié qu’ en anglais et que le ton y est globalement académique, voici donc quelques passages traduits.
Great interview with Ray Brassier:
Can we use noise as a way of disrupting the normalization process that stop us from abolishing this economic system?
Howard Slater, Anthony Iles, Ilya Lipkin & Mattin will discuss and try out some ideas from the book Noise & Capitalism
21st January
Köpenicker Strasse 187
“take U-Bahn 1 to Schlesisches Tor
Exit, walk down to the left
Enter a commercial yard to the left,
between Köpenicker Str. 187 and 186
Basso event space is the orange line, ground floor