audiolab: ALAN COURTIS post

Monday, July 31st, 2006

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Pasa berri den uztailaren 24ean Alan Courtis argentinarraren bisita izan genuen Artelekuko Audiolabean. Reynols talde historikoaren partaide izandakoak eta gaur egun, bere garaian aipatu taldearekin bezala, erritmo geldiezinean lanean ari den musikari honek arratsalde bateko tailer interesgarri bat eskaini zuen Donostian. Bertan parte hartu zuen dozena pasako bisitariek Read the rest of this entry »

The Films of Mauricio Kagel (1965-1983)

Saturday, July 29th, 2006


Beste aldi batez UBU.COM webgune iparramerikarrak sorpresa berriak aurkezten dizkigu. Oraingoan Mauricio Kagel (1965-1983) konposatzaile argentinarraren bideolan zenbait deskargai jarri ditu.
Hain zuzen UBUk bere webgunean zintzilikatutako filmak honakoa dira: Antithese (1965), Match (1966), Solo (1967), duo (1967-68), Hallelujah (1969), Ludwig Van (1969), Blue’s Blue (1981), MM51/Nosferatu (1983).

Por enésima vez la web norteamericana UBU.COM viene con nuevas sorpresas. Esta vez presenta varios trabajos de video del compositor argentino Mauricio Kagel (1965-1983) en formato descargable. Exactamente estos son los films que UBU ha colgado en su web: Read the rest of this entry »

Euskaldunen kontserbadurismoari buruz…

Friday, July 28th, 2006

Oier Iruretagoiena Tüsüri-k euskal herriko kulturgintzaren kontserbadurismoari buruzko testu interesgarri bat aurkezten digu, dudarik gabe eztabaidarako tarte interesgarri bat erakusten duena, eta gainera gutxitan (musikaren ikuspegitik behintzat) ukitu izan dena. Testua (PDF euskarrian eta euskaraz soilik) honako lotura honetan topa daiteke:

download PDF


Geert Feytons (1967-2006)

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

Geert Feytons, más conocido como miembro y fundador de la banda belga Noise-Maker’s Fife y con el que casualmente pudimos coincidir en la última edición del festival ateniense Electrograph, ha fallecido recientemente. Inventor de sus propios instrumentos, escultor sonoro, escurridizo pero constante en su trabajo, nos deja un extenso legado de obras sonoras y visuales, en el que se encuentran interesantes colaboraciones como Negative Entropy junto a Michael Prime.


[de la web de Beta-lactam bing records)

“We are sad to announce that our friend and beloved one Geert Feytons is no longer amongst us. Geert left us unexpectedly last Saturday. His family, his friends, all who loved him, will miss him. Geert was a unique person, a great artist and even more a wonderful man. We are sad and at the same time glad that we had the opportunity to have known him, to have shared glorious moments as well as difficult ones together. We remember him as someone with plenty of love and friendship to share, as a person with a visionary talent, as a creator and organiser, as an artist with plenty of energy, and most of all as a person with a big heart. Together we have spent glorious moments. Geert was one of those few persons able to give energy when you needed, to make you smile when things went wrong, to live as if it was a piece of cake. At the same time he decided that life had given him everything, and that there was nothing more to wait for.

He leaves us here alone; he leaves us here in emptiness difficult to cope with. We have no words to describe what we feel at this right moment. Noise makes place for silence, colours trade in for blackness and there is even no more place for chaos. He will always be in our heart and memory.

We will all miss you Geert. His friends and beloved ones.”

audiolab: Musika Radiklal Brasca: Enkruetos / Auskal Muturreko Musika: Tronpaketak

Monday, July 24th, 2006

ENKRUETOS irudia.jpg

11, 12 y 13 de agosto del 2006

ARTELEKU, Kristobaldegi 14, Loiola auzoa, 20014 Donostia-San Sebastian

“Si ser radical es ir a la raiz de la materia, la raiz de la musica es el sonido.�

Fin de semana en el que diferentes personas o agentes trabajando en el campo sonoro de manera experimental desde el país vasco o alrededores muestran su trabajo, en conexión con sus influencias (no estrictamente musicales) y el contexto en el que éste se desarrolla. El objetivo práctico de estos encuentros es tratar de encontrar puntos en común que puedan generar nuevas plataformas para los musicos/as, para distribuir o mostrar su trabajo y para desarrollar futuras colaboraciones. El objetivo teorico pretende sobre todo crear un foro para hablar y debatir de manera critica sobre las las connotaciones socio-politicas de la practica experimental sonora (ej. mercado, derechos de autor, licencias…).

Inscripción gratuita. Para participar manda tus datos (nombre, contacto, dirección) a: o, antes del 8 de agosto.

Durante el fin de semana en el que se desarrollaran estos encuentros Arteleku ofrecerá servicio de alojamiento. Para ello hace falta confirmar la asistencia por email.


2006ko abuztuaren 11, 12 eta 13

ARTELEKU, Kristobaldegi 14, Loiola auzoa, 20014 Donostia-San Sebastian

“Erradikala izatea erroetara jotzea bada, musikaren erroa soinua da”

Euskal herrian eta inguruetan soinuaren alorrean lanean ari den elkarte eta norbanakoen asteburu bateko topaketa da AMM:T, non parte hartzaileek beraien lana eta hau garatzen den ingurunea aurkezteko aukera izanen duten, beraien eraginak (ez soilik musikalak) erakutsiz. Topaketa hauen helburu praktikoa musikariek beraien lana banatzeko, erakusteko eta etorkizuneko elkarlanak garatzeko modua eskainiko duten plataforma berriak sortzeko puntu amankomunak topatzea da.
Topagune honek hortaz, praktika esperimentalek dituzten ezaugarri sozio-politikoak kontutan hartuz mintzatzeko eta eztabaidatzeko (adibidez, merkatua, egile eskubideak, lizentziak..) foro bat izan nahi du.

Parte hartzea dohakoa da. Hortarako bidali zure datuak (izena, helbidea, kontaktua) edo helbideetara, abuztuaren 8a baino lehen.

Asteburuan zehar Artelekuk lo egiteko lekua eskainiko du. Hortarako parte hartzeko izena eman behar da.

antolatzailea / organiza: Arteleku AUDIOLAB
koordinatzailea / coordina: MATTIN

Saturday, July 22nd, 2006

Dear friends and fellow artists,

First of all I am writing to inform all of you who have been concerned about me, that I am safe -at least for now- and I really thank you for your support. But this is not enough; we all need to take action against the escalating Israeli assault on Lebanon… What is happening here is unimaginable, and the controlled media is not showing the real images of the terror and destruction that the Lebanese civilians have been facing everyday since the 12th of July 2006.

Hezbollah captured 2 Israeli soldiers as hostages, and that was used as a pretext for the US to give Israel a green light to carry out massive military operations against the whole of Lebanon.
Israel bombarded all of the south, inflicting mass murder and displacement of thousands of people,  cutting off small villages from one another, most of which have been lacking in food, medication and even water for days now, and no aids can be delivered for all the roads have been cut off… Right now the same fate is being inflicted upon other areas in Lebanon namely the “Bekaa”. Israel executed a mass destruction plan on all of the southern suburbs of Beirut creating a deserted devastated area.  More than one million refugees are trying to find shelter and food. Life’s essentials are missing as there aren’t enough places to lodge these displaced civilians and not enough aids to meet their needs.

Israel attacked the whole infrastructure of Lebanon destroying all the major bridges, dismembering the whole country. Beirut’s airport was repeatedly bombarded and left in ruins. All of the country’s ports and international roads were severely attacked. The Israeli navy blockaded the ports from the sea leaving the country under siege and preventing fuel, food and aids from being delivered. Factories, fuel storage facilities, power plants, radars have been bombarded… electricity and water are cut in most regions.

Until now over 500 Lebanese civilians have been killed and over a 1000 wounded…
Not only is Israel using missiles prohibited by the international conventions, but it is directly targeting innocent villagers trying to take refuge and escape the terror. (In reference to the massacre of the village of “Merwahin� that resulted in the death of 21 innocent civilians 15 of whom were children!)

Cruelly bombarded, under siege, isolated and crippled, Lebanon is facing the harshest war it has witnessed in its history that’s all but poor in such events.

Israel claims that it is attacking Hezbollah headquarters, while in fact it is executing a vendetta against a country that has long been a brick in its way towards more expansion in the region.

The whole world stands by watching… until this moment there has been no sign of a decision of cease fire being close.
The US gave Israel one more week to destroy Hezbollah which at this point means to destroy Lebanon!!
This could go on for several months, and the only victims are the innocent citizens mainly children who are paying the price for this absurd war that will only result in major losses on all levels.

We need all of you to spread the word and take action against this inhuman Israeli response.
Please forward this email to everyone you know.


audiolab: UDA 2006 VERANO

Friday, July 21st, 2006

Este verano, además del reciente taller AUDIO DISECCIONADO el AUDIOLAB de Arteleku presenta varios eventos para las siguientes semanas de julio y agosto. Encontrarás mas información sobre ellas en este mismo blog o en la web de Arteleku.

- lunes 24 de julio 16:00-20:00
Alan Courtis (Argentina)
(Plazas agotadas)

- 11, 12 y 13 de agosto, todo el día

- lunes 14 de agosto, 12:00-20:00
Revolutionary brothers, turntablism, graffiti, serigrafia…

- sábado 26 de agosto: 18:00
PROMENADE: Homenaje a Luc Ferrari
Tzesne, Löty negarti, Iban Urizar
(en colaboración con la Quincena Musical)

+ info:


Uda honetan dagoeneko pasa berri den AUDIO DISECCIONADO tailerraz gain Artelekuko AUDIOLABek beste ekitaldi mordo bat aurkezten du uztaila eta abuztuko zenbait egunetarako. Blog honetan bertan edo artelekuko webgunea aurkituko duzu informazio gehiago.

- uztailaren 24a astelehena 16:00-20:00
WORKSHOP: arratsalde bat ALAN COURTISekin
Alan Courtis (Argentina)

- abuztuaren 11, 12 eta 13, egun osoan

- abuztuaren 14a astelehena, 12:00-20:00
Revolutionary brothers, turntablism, graffiti, serigrafia…

- abuztuaren 26a larubata: 18:00
PROMENADE: Luc Ferrari-ri omenaldia
Tzesne, Löty negarti, Iban Urizar
(Musika hamabostaldiarekin elkarlanean)

+ info:


Wednesday, July 19th, 2006


ERTZek aurkezten du S.p.A.P.S Soinu paisaiak Arantzazun, paisai soinu liburuxka.
Argitalpen hau 2005eko udan Arantzazun egin zen ekitaldiaren emaitza gisara ulertu behar da. Orduko hartan soinu paisaiei eskainitako egun bat antolatu genuen ERTZ eta ALEX MENDIZABALek, kontzertu, soinu-gertakizun, soinu ibilaldi eta idatzien irakurketarekin. Hain zuzen, irakurketa honetarako, hainbertze soinu sortzaile eta idazleri KONTZERTU TEORIKOAK egiteko gonbidapena luzatu genuen, alegia idatzizko eta hitzezko kontzertuak.

Read the rest of this entry »