2 URTE eta gero…

Monday, December 31st, 2007


Ia konturatu gabe bi urteko bizia ere gainditu du honako blog honek eta bada garaia zeozer aldatzeko. Musikari eta kulturari buruzko gaiak jorratzen dituen espazio honek bizi berri bati ekingo dio hurrengo hilabetetan. Ez, honek ez du erran nahi itxiko denik baina zenbait aldaketa jasoko ditu. Hasteko, orain arte Xabier Erkizia izan bada blog honetan idatzi duen bakarra (berriak eta jakinarazpenak iritsiarazi dituztenen laguntzarekin) hemendik aitzinerat Oier Iruretagoiena gehituko da edizio taldera, beraz haren hitzak ere irakurri ahal izanen dituzue orriotan. Ziur gara bide berri hau orain artekoa bezain emankorra izanen dela, eta espero dugu zuek ere, blog xume hau irakurtzen duzuenok, modu hortan jasotzea. Milesker orain arte irakurri eta bisitatu gaituzuen guztioi eta milesker hemendik aitzinerat hortan jarraituko duzuenoi.
A, ta urte berri on denoi!
Sin apenas darnos cuenta, este blog ya ha cumplido más de dos años y ya va siendo hora de cambiar algo. Este espacio dedicado a la cultura y en especial a las prácticas sonoras se enfrenta a una nueva vida. No, esto no significa que vaya a cerrar, pero habrá ciertos cambios. Para empezar, junto a Xabier Erkizia único editor hasta la fecha (gracias a la colaboración de todas las personas que nos han enviado sus noticias), de aquí en adelante Oier Iruretagoiena se une al equipo editor. Estamos seguros de que este nuevo camino será tan fructífero como el realizado hasta la fecha, y esperamos que vosotr@s, l@s que leeis este humilde blog, tambien lo percibais de la misma manera. Muchas gracias a tod@s l@s que nos habeis visitado y leído hasta la fecha, y a tod@s l@s que sigais haciéndolo.
Ah, y feliz año nuevo a tod@s!

G.SARASOLA & X.ERKIZIA: Ez naiz deusen jabe

Friday, December 28th, 2007

gaizkajabe copy.jpg

GAIZKA SARASOLA & XABIER ERKIZIA: Ez naiz deusen jabe (2007)

Gaizka Sarasola eta Xabier Erkiziak osatu bikotearen bigarren diskak, “Ixuriak” (2004) lehen lanak egin bezala, soinu tradizionalak eta elementu garaikideak nahasten ditu. Ia bere osotasunean espazio irekietan grabatutako lehen diska harekin abiatutako bidea jarraitzeko helburuarekin, bikotea estudiotik aritu da konposizio lan aberats eta konplexuagoak jorratuz. Diska bakoitza eskuz egindako zurezko kutxa batean dator, kantuen hitzekin. Lan hau arto artian banatzailearen bidez lortu daiteke.

Segundo disco del dúo formado por Gaizka Sarasola y Xabier Erkizia, tras “Ixuriak” (2004), en el que al igual que en el primer trabajo se mezclan sonidos tradicionales con elementos más contemporáneos. En un intento de continuar el camino abierto por aquel primer trabajo prácticamente grabado en su totalidad en espacios exteriores, el dúo ha trabajado en estudio para este segundo disco, realizando un trabajo compositivo más complejo y rico en matices. Cada disco viene presentado en una caja de madera hecha a mano y un libreto con las letras de las canciones. Disponible vía arto artian.


DJ AMSIA: arto artian berrirakurketa #2

Thursday, December 27th, 2007


DJ AMSIA, como ya hizo antes TÃœSÃœRI recibió el encargo de realizar un disco tomando como referencia las referencias del catálogo ARTOARTIAN. A modo de collage gigante y demostrando su maestría con las tijeras, Amsia recolectó esas más de 40 referencias, las metió en su batidora y nos ha devuelto este impresionante resultado. Los subscriptores de la revista Entzun! ya han recibido este disco con el último número de la revista, los asistentes a la fiesta arto artian que se celebrará el próximo día 28 los recibirán gratis junto con la entrada y próximamente estará disponible en la web de arto artian.

DJ AMSIAk, lehen TÃœSÃœRIk egin bezala ARTO ARTIAN katalogoko erreferentziak oinarri hartuta berrirakurketa diska berri bat osatzeko enkargoa jaso zuen. Soinuzko collage erraldoi baten modura eta guraizeak erabiltzen maisua dela erakutsiz Amsiak bilduma osatzen duten 40 erreferentziatik goiti hartu, bere batidoran sartu eta emaitza ikaragarri hau eman digu. Entzun! aldizkariko harpidedunek dagoeneko jaso dute diska azken alearekin, heldu den hilaren 28an eginen den arto artian festan sarrerarekin batera opari jaso ahal izanen da eta laister arto artianeko webgunean ere eskuratu ahal izanen da.


Wednesday, December 26th, 2007


abenduaren 28a ostirala / viernes 28 de diciembre
20:00 DOKA Donostiako Kafe Antzokia
Escolta real 20, Antiguo auzoa, Donostia-San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa)

Arto artian bigarren katalogoaren aurkezpen kontzertua Entzun! aldizkariarekin elkarlanean. Sarrerarekin batera DJ AMSIAk egindako erremix diska opari jasoko duzu.

Concierto presentación del segundo catálogo de Arto artian en colaboración con la revista musical Entzun!. Junto con la entrada recibirás de regalo el nuevo cd de remixes de DJ AMSIA.


[www.artoartian.org] [www.entzun.com] [www.doka-antzokia.com]

SOINUMAPA @ Piperpolis

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007


Bilbo hiria irratiko Piperpolis saioak Soinumapa.net izan zuen hizpide joan den abenduaren 17ko emanaldian. Hain zuzen, Saioa Olmo izan zen Xabier Erkiziari elkarrizketa egiteaz arduratu zena. Irratsaio osoa dagoeneko zintzilik dago aipatu irratiaren webgunean, bai online entzuteko moduan nahiz deskargarako.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

UBUWEB :: Late Fall 2007

Tuesday, December 25th, 2007


Norbait gelditu al da Olentzeroren oparirik gabe? Eskerrak Ubuweb beti hor dagoen…
Alquien se ha quedado sin regalos de Olentzero?
Menos mal que siempre nos queda Ubuweb

UBUWEB :: Late Fall 2007 — NEW ADDITIONS

Ronald Nameth – Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable with The Velvet Underground (1966)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ nameth_velvet. html

Hans Arp – Soundworks (1913-1961)
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ arp.html

Doron Golan – Four Films (2007)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ golan.html

Alvin Lucier – The Only Talking Machine of its Kind in the World (1969)
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ lucier_talking. html

Tony Oursler – Sucker (1987)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ oursler_sucker. html

René Viénet – Chinois, encore un effort pour être révolutionnaires a.k.a. “Peking Duck Soup” (1977)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ vienet_chinois. html

Dan Graham – Rock My Religion (1982-84)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ graham_rock. html

Harun Farocki – Schnittstelle / interface (1995)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ farocki_sch. html

Survival Research Laboratories – A Plan for Social Improvement (1988)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ srl_social. html

René Clair – BBC Documentary
http://www.ubu. com/film/ clair_bbc. html

The Kitchen Presents Two Moon July (1986): Laurie Anderson, Philip Glass, Dara Birnbaum, David Byrne and others
http://www.ubu. com/film/ kitchen.html

Kenny G Meets John Zorn – Kenneth Goldsmith & Jonathan Zorn (2007)
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ kg-jz.html

Jonathan Zorn – All Talk (2003-2005)
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ zorn.html

Fran̤ois Girard РLe Train (1985)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ girard_train. html

Mona Hatoum – Measures of Distance (1988)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ hatoum_measures. html

Sara Sackner – Concrete! (2006), A documentary about the Sackner Archive for Visual and
Concrete Poetry
http://www.ubu. com/film/ sackner_concrete .html

Kenneth Goldsmith Sucking on Words – documentary (2007)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ goldsmith_ sucking.html

Glenn Gould – Karlheinz Klopweisser Promo for CBC
http://www.ubu. com/film/ gould_karlheinz. html

David Van Tieghem – Ear To Ground (1979)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ vantieghem_ ear.html

Maurice Lemaître – Le film est déjà commencé?, (1951)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ lemaitre_ film.html

Peter Campus – Three Transitions (1973)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ campus_three. html

Survival Research Laboratories – Virtues of Negative Fascination (1985-86)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ srl_virtues. html

Stephen Dwoskin – Dirty (1966) – Music by Gavin Bryars
http://www.ubu. com/film/ dwoskin_dirty. html

György Ligeti: Portrait, A Documentary by Michel Follin (1993) [French language]
http://www.ubu. com/film/ ligeti_follin. html

Arthur Lipsett 21-87 (1963), A Trip Down Memory Lane (1965) & Fluxes (1968)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ lipsett.html

Ken Jacobs – Blonde Cobra (1963) & Little Stabs at Happiness (1960)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ jacobs.html

Nobuhiko Obayashi – Experimental Films (1960-68)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ obayashi. html

Maja Ratkje – Live in Paris, 2005 (video)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ ratjke_paris_ 2005.html

William S. Burroughs – French Television Interview (1990)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ burroughs_ french.html

Hy Hirsch – Come Closer (1952)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ hirsch_come_ closer.html

Cheryl Donegan – Refuses (2007)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ donegan_refuses. html

Jean Rouch – Cimetieres dans la falaise (1951) & Les Maitres fous (1955)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ rouch.html

Carpi Cioni – Three Short Films (1960-1962)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ carpi_three_ short.html

Alexander Hammid – Bezucelna Prochazka (Aimless Walk, 1930) & Na Prazskem Hrade (At
Prague Castle, 1932)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ hammid.html

Shuji Terayama & Shuntaro Tanikawa – Video Letters (1982-83)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ terayama_ video-letter. html

Sidney Peterson – The Lead Shoes (1949)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ peterson. html

Nicole Dextras – Frozen Words (2007)
http://www.ubu. com/contemp/ dextras/index. html

Lance Wakeling SIC, NOTES FRMDELOM A KEYLOGGER (2006/2007)
http://www.ubu. com/contemp/ wakeling/ index.html

Joseph Nechvatal viral symphOny (MP3)
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ nechvatal. html

Andy Warhol Warhol’s Cinema: A Mirror for the Sixties (1989)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ warhol.html

J.G. Ballard – Shanghai Jim (1991)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ ballard.html

Taj Mahal – Travellers On Tour 1973 (16mm film)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ taj.html

Robert Kramer – Ice (1969)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ kramer.html

Kay Rosen – Sisyphis, 1991 (video); Interview, 2007 (video & MP3)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ rosen.html

Peter Weiss – Was machen wir jetzt (1958)
http://www.ubu. com/film/ weiss.html

Contemporary Chinese Experimental Music 1997-2007 (MP3)
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ china.html

Alec Finlay: Assorted Visual Poems and Bookworks
http://www.ubu. com/contemp/ finlay/index. html


All Avant-Garde All The Time – UbuWeb Podcast #2:
Produced by The Poetry Foundation, UbuWeb is pleased to announce the second in its
podcast series, focusing on Ubu’s hidden treasures. As the site has grown so large, these
occasional audio guides might shed some light on things you may have overlooked,
forgotten about or simply never knew about. This podcast explores the mass of recordings
by Giorno Poetry Systems (aka The Dial-A-Poem Poets), a series of double LPs put out back
in the 70s featuring artists such as Patti Smith, Laurie Anderson, Philip Glass, Meredith
Monk, John Cage, Richard Hell, Frank O’Hara and hundreds of others. [listen] UbuWeb’s
first podcast, a general introduction to the site and to sound poetry, can be found here.
You can subscribe to our podcast here. The next one, focusing on the audio archives of
Aspen Magazine, will be ready in mid-January.
http://poetryfounda tion.org/ audio/John% 20Giorno% 20Poetry% 20Systems. mp3

Komar & Melamid “The People’s Choice Music” (1997) With the collaboration of composer
Dave Soldier, Komar & Melamid’s Most Wanted Painting project was extended into the realm
of music. A poll, written by Dave Soldier, was conducted on The Dia Foundation’s web site
in Spring 1996. Approximately 500 visitors took the survey. Solder used the survey
results to write music and lyrics for the Most Wanted and Most Unwanted songs.
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ komar.html

Four Films by Gordon Matta-Clark: Includes Tree Dance (1971), Fresh Kill (1972), Day’s
End (1975) and Office Baroque (1977). Gordon Matta-Clark’ s (1943-1978) artistic project
was a radical investigation of architecture, deconstruction, space, and urban
environments. Dating from 1971 to 1977, his most prolific and vital period, his film and
video works include documents of major pieces in New York, Paris and Antwerp, and are
focused on three areas: performances and recycling pieces; space and texture works; and
his building cuts.
http://www.ubu. com/film/ gmc.html

Audio Selections from The Sackner Archive: Hundreds of MP3s ripped from rare sound poetry
LPs, tapes & 45 RPM vinyl. The Ruth & Mqrvin Sackner Archive of Visual & Concrete Poetry
in Miami Beach is the world’s largest collection of text-based art. Of the audio files
here, curator Matthew Abess states: “The work presented here comprises a portion of the
Sackner’s tremendous compendium of sonic works. The range of geographic origins runs the
circumference of the globe. The time span is nearly a century. It witnesses histories: of
poetry, literature, music, visual art, technology, politics, religion, theoretical
contentions and practical abstention.” Artists include John Cage, Merzbow, Anton Bruhin,
Laurie Anderson, Bob Cobbing, Lily Greenham, Velemir Chlebnikov, Aleksej Krucenych and
Jean Jacques Lebel among dozens of others. UbuWeb is also pleased to feature a
full-length documentary about the Sackner Archive, Concrete! directed by Sara Sackner.
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ sackner.html

Five Films by Jonas Mekas Mekas, born 1922, is considered by many to be the godfather of
American avant-garde cinema. Presented here are Happy Birthday to John (1972), a film
record of John Lennon’s 32nd birthday party; Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of
George Maciunas (1992), a video diary of Fluxus founder George Maciunas; and Scenes from
Allen’s Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (1997), a video diary of Ginsberg in the
days immediately before and after his death. Also included is a short, Hare Krishna
(1966), with a soundtrack by Ginsberg.
http://www.ubu. com/film/ mekas.html

Make Perhaps This Out Sense Of Can You: Bob Cobbing (1920-2002) A celebration
highlighting the works of Cobbing on UbuWeb: films, sounds, writings, interviews and
critical writing about him [PDF]. As curator Matthew Abess writes, “Cobbing was an
assiduous innovator in the sphere of language. Alternately a landscape gardener, farmer,
steward’s clerk at a hospital, and teacher of Esperanto, Cobbing fluidly traversed
dissimilar vocations with the same dexterity apparent in his boundary-dissolving
performances with and of the plasticity of the word. When asked about the development of
his intermedia praxis, Cobbing remarked, ‘I commenced as a painter; later wrote poetry;
studied music; began to realize all three were one activity (together with dancing, which
is, perhaps, the key to them all).” This UbuWeb resource is presented in conjunction with
the exhibition of the same name at the University of Pennsylvania’ s Van Pelt Library, The
Ruth & Marvin Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry and the Kelly Writers House
at UPenn, where Suddenly Everyone Began Reading Aloud, a tribute to Cobbing took place
October 11th featuring the poets Charles Bernstein, chris cheek and Maggie O’Sullivan.
http://www.ubu. com/film/ cobbing.html

Vision #4 – Word of Mouth (1980) Twelve artists from California, New York and Europe were
each invited to prepare a twelve minute talk on any subject. Artists include: Tom
Marioni, Robert Kushner, Marina Abramovic/Ulay, John Cage, Daniel Buren, Joan Jonas,
Bryan Hunt, Chris Burden, William T. Wiley, Brice Marden, Pat Steir and Laurie Anderson.
Originally a double LP.
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ vision.html

Selections from FILM CULTURE Magazine (1955-1996) 24 seminal articles from FILM CULTURE,
which served as a forum for the New American Cinema, discussing the works of pioneering
filmmakers like Maya Deren, Ron Rice and Paul Sharits, and providing important context
for largely unseen films through its essays on film history, contemporary art and poetry.
Authors and subjects include Hollis Frampton, Luis Buñuel, Stan Brakhage, Tyler Parker,
Donald Sutherland, Rudolf Arnheim, Taylor Mead and many others. Selected and edited by
Kareem Estefan. Presented in partnership with Anthology Film Archives.
http://www.ubu. com/papers/ film_culture. html

COLAB: All Color News Sampler (1978) & Colab Compilation (1980) Two rarely seen
compilations from the New York-based Collaborative Projects (aka COLAB) formed in 1978.
All News Color Sampler is a remarkable collection of clips from the feature news program
for cable TV. Hard, gritty, this is the early political and socially oriented work by
artists now well-known as sculptors and filmmakers. Potato Wolf, Colab Compilation was an
artists’ cable TV show produced by Collaborative Projects from approximately 1979-84.
Artists include John Ahearn, Tom Otterness, Scott and Beth B, Kiki Smith, Peter Fend and
many others.
http://www.ubu. com/film/ colab.html

Mary Ellen Solt: An Appreciation & Flowers in Concrete Mary Ellen Solt (1920-2007) became
known in academic and poetic circles worldwide after the publication in 1968 of her
influential book Concrete Poetry-A World View. Included here is an appreciation by critic
A.S. Bessa and the full cycle of her influential and beautiful concrete poems Flowers in
Concrete (1966).
http://www.ubu. com/historical/ solt/solt_ flowers.html

Salvador Dali – Impressions de la Haute Mongolie – Hommage á Raymond Roussel (1974-1975)
Salvador Dalí’s romance with film and the visual arts is a relatively well-known chapter
in the life of the original and controversial Spanish (Catalan) artist (1904-1989).
However, his explorations of video art with the production of the “documentary”
Impressions de la haute Mongolie. Hommage a Raymond Roussel (1974-75) remain an episode
of his long and successful creative career only acknowledged by the specialist. The
“videografía” , narrates the exploration of Dalí to the remote land of Mongolia in search
of the Great White Mushroom. Salvador Dalí, a consummate expert in media manipulation,
invites the spectator to become his accomplice and partner in what it seems a
drug-induced “trip” to a faraway and distant land where wonderful treasures are hidden.
By means of advanced technology in film and the visual arts of the time (video,
electronics, macro photography) , Dalí strives to reveal optically the metamorphoses of
matter with the purpose of revealing a new artistic reality.
http://www.ubu. com/film/ dali_impressions .html

UbuWeb Radio Listen to a 24-hour continuous stream from UbuWeb’s MP3 archives. All
avant-garde, all the time.
http://peacemaker. stat.wvu. edu:8000/ listen.pls

The 365 Days Project, Part 2 (2007) UbuWeb is pleased to be co-hosting and archiving the
second installment of Otis Fodder’s magnificent 365 Days Project. The first project was
completed in 2003 and can be accessed here as well. 365 days of cool and strange and
often obscure audio selections. Some words to describe the material featured would be…
Celebrity, Children, Demonstration, Indigenous, Industrial, Outsider, Song-Poem, Spoken,
Ventriloquism, and on and on and on. The best thing to do is to simply listen.
http://ubu.com/ outsiders/ 365/index. html

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About UbuWeb An in-depth sit-down interview with
UbuWeb founder Kenneth Goldsmith on Archinect tracing the history, breadth, philosophy
and scope of UbuWeb.
http://archinect. com/features/ article.php? id=59857_ 0_23_0_M

Shirley Clarke – Shorts (1953-1982) A survey of short films by American independent
filmmaker Shirley Clarke (1919-1997). Films include, “A Dance in the Sun” (1954), a
portrait of dancer Daniel Nagrin; “A Moment in Love” (1957); “Bridges Go-Round” (1959)
with two alternative soundtracks, one electronic music by Louis and Bebe Barron, the
other jazz by Teo Macero; “A Scary Time” (1960) produced by UNICEF with a soundtrack by
Peggy Glanville-Hicks; “Savage / Love” and “Tongues” (1981-82), a collaboration with Sam
Shepard and Joseph Chaiken.
http://www.ubu. com/film/ clarke.html

Alejandra & Aeron A survey of audio and film works from the collaborative team of
Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman. Wildflowers is a series of video text-animated
portraits showing citizens of Detroit rejecting politics, opting instead to work on
changing concepts of “common sense”. The sound works range from found Riojan folk sounds
to a study of the social, political, formal and aesthetic properties of sound
environments in Porto, Portugal and Northern Spain.
http://www.ubu. com/sound/ aa.html

———— ——— ——-
UBUWEB :: Late Fall 2007
———— ——— ——-


__ U B U W E B __

ERTZ 2007 iruditan / en imágenes

Saturday, December 22nd, 2007


ERTZ elkartearen flickr webgunean elkarte honek 2007an antolatutako ekitaldien argazkiak ikus daitezke dagoeneko. Hauen artean joan den irailean ospatu zen ERTZ jaialdiko kontzertuen argazkiak (Orbes, Orthodox, Alex Mendizabal, Marcello Liberato, Bruce McClure…), Dean Robertsen emanaldiak edo berriki italiako Eroman, euskal astearen barnean, egindako ekitaldien irudiak topatuko dituzu. Hauekin batera 2000. urteaz geroztik jasotako irudiak biltzen ditu flickr gune honek.

Ya se pueden consultar varias imágenes de los eventos organizados por la asociación ERTZ durante el 2007 en la web flickr de la citada asociación. Entre ellas encontrarás fotografías del festival ERTZ celebrado el pasado mes de septiembre (Orbes, Orthodox, Alex Mendizabal, Marcello Liberato, Bruce McClure…), imágenes de los conciertos de Dean Roberts y de los eventos recientemente realizados en Roma, dentro de la settimana basca. Junto a éstos esta web flickr contiene fotos recopiladas desde el año 2000.



Friday, December 21st, 2007

[link: versión castellano]


Akta 002 zkia

Italiako Eromako hirian eta Piazza CAMPO DI FIORIn kokatutako egoitza nomadan, bi mila eta zazpiko abenduaren hamaseigarrenean, bildu dira alde batetik MEZUAK LEKUZ KANPO egitasmoko zuzendaritza, IÑIGO TELLETXEA eta XABIER ERKIZIA jaunak haren ordezkari direla eta zuzendaritzaren ohorezko lehendakariorde modura ASIER GOGORTZA jaun txit gorena; eta beste aldetik CURVA CHIUSAko zuzendaritza (aurrerantzean CC, irakurri “txi-txi”) ALEXANDER MENDIZABAL eta CHRIS BLAZEN jaun txit gorenek ordezkaturik. Lekuko gisara MIKELE eta GIANMARCO jaunak aurkeztu dira, haiekin batera egun jakinean Eromako hirian dauden milaka eromatar, turista eta oinezko ere nahigabeko lekuko izanik.

Lehendakariak (ez etorria) konstataturik akzioa osatzeko behar hainbat partaide etorri dela, batzarraldia irekitzat eman du 12:10etan, bertaratutakoei akzio eskizofonikoa aurrera eramateko ohar egokiak ematen hasiz.

Jarraian lehendakari (ez etorri) jaunak EGUNEKO GAI ZERRENDAKO LEHEN PUNTUA aditzera eman du: “Eskizofoniari omen”

MENDIZABAL jaunak azaltzen du, bi mila eta zazpiko abenduaren hamaikagarrenean, Associazione culturale Euskara elkarteak MEZUAK LEKUZ KANPOren bisita jaso duela, honen ordezkari modura Erkizia, Telletxea eta IBAI GOGORTZA jaunak direla. Azken astean zehar, Eromako zenbait kokagune publiko nahiz pribatutan zenbait soinuzko eskuhartze egin dituztela, soinua eta komunikazioa, informazioa eta desinformazioaren inguruko aferak zalantzan jartzen dituen ekitaldiak sortuz, baita zenbait ibilaldi eta talde emanaldi ezohiko eginez. Telletxea jaunak adierazten du, akzioaren araudiaren lehen artikuluaren arabera, partehartzaileek 107.9 frekuentzia transmisio mikroradiofonikoaren espazio gisara onartu behar dutela eta beraien irratiak aipatu frekuentziara moldatu behar direla.


Iritzi eta galdera txandak agorturik ONDOKO HAU ERABAKI DUTE:
1) Frekuentzia onartzea eta akzio eskizofonikoari hasiera ematea.
2) Aldiberean, zuzendaritzak inolako ibilbide jakini uko egin eta deriba akzioaren zuzendari nagusi modura onartzea.

Jarraian batzarkideek Eromako hiriguneko kaleak soinutzen hasi dira dohakabeki, apropos eta etenik gabe; Fm emisore mugikor bat, dozena bat irrati erreproduktore, bi hegazkin iparramerikar behar bezala moldatu eta elektronikoki soinutuak eta bestelako jatorriko hainbat soinugailurekin. Ibilbidean zehar, aipatzekoak dira akzio jakin batzuk, halanola, PIAZZA NAVONAn kokaturiko tiobiboan, piazza berean faraoi baten bizkarrean, zentru komertzial batean edo PANTHEON monumentuan eginikoak.


Azken akzio honetan, monumentuaren azpiegituretako arduradunek sistematikoki kanporatu dute (onartutako) soinu-performer oro, baina inoiz ere segurtasun indarrek, jakina denez, “soinua mugimenduan” kausaren lagunak bait dira, CC haundiak behin baino gehioagotan erakutsi duen modura. Ezaugarri hau are argiagoa da, akta hontako ensembleak italiako poliziaren ajente desberdinekin topo egin duen kasu ia guztietan, ofizial guztiek erakutsi bait dute soinuzko kausaren aldeko jarrera.
Puntu hontara iritsitakoan, ERKIZIA jaunak adierazi du zarataren legediaren araudiaren arabera, akzio bakar batek ere ez duela eskubide zibilik urratu, FONTANA DI TREVIn ezik, eta beti ere akzioak musika bezala ez badira onartzen.
Legezko lekukorik gabe, ensemble eskizofonikoa PIAZZA DI SPAGNAra iritsi da eta bertan, bi ordu baina gehiagoko emanaldiaren ondotik, MEZUAK LEKUZ KANPO-MESSAGGIO FUORI LUOGO akzio konkretua bukatutzat eman da.


Jarraian, lehendakari (desagertua) jaunak EGUNEKO GAI ZERRENDAKO BIGARREN PUNTUA aditzera eman du: “Txaranga zombie�.

Batzarrak hitza eman dio CCren lehendakari MENDIZABAL eta BLAZEN jaun txit gorenei, zeintzuk partehartzaileek soinuzko akzioen egitarauarekin (desgertua) jarraitzeko intentzioa duten jakinik, honakoa proposatzen duten: Soinu prozesioari jarraipena eman behin behineko TXARANGA ZONBIE eta ORKESTRA KOMAN izenpean, beti ere idazburu eskizofonikoarenpean eta BLAZEN jaunak proposatutako “Schizofonia, signora!� lemapean.

Iritzi trukaketaren ostean, ZUZENDARITZAK ONARTZEN DU, legezko lekukoen abstentzioarekin:
1) Akzioaren jarraipena onartzea eta eromako espazio publiko zenbait soinutzeko erantzunkizuna hartzea.
2) Lehen akzio eskizofonikoaren helburuak beterik, txarangarentzako helburu berriak kokatzea.


Batzarrak bere osotasunean eta ahobatez bi puntuak onartu bezain laister, ensembleak eromako kaleetan zehar ibilbide berri bat hasi du, behin behineko eta aurreikusi gabeko akzioak sortuz, halanola: “Fiera del grabado” batean aurkitutako partitura gregorianoaren interpretazio-irakurketa kolektiboa, edo MUSEO NAZIONALEko patio zentralean egindako kontzertu espazializazioa.

17.30etan eta bost ordu baino gehiagoko jardunaren ondoren, batzarrak bukatutzat eman du akzio ofiziala eta otordu nagusia eskatzeko jestioak egin ditu. Hau bukatu ondotik eta aztertzeko beste gairik ezean, 18:30etan batzarraldia amaitutzat eman da, honen eduki guztia akta honetan jasoz eta denak sinatu dutelarik.

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argazkiak: Asier Gogortza