UBEBOET & CON-V new releases

March 1st, 2006

UBEBOET Madriletik lan egiten duen Miguel A. Tolosaren bakarkako proiektua da. Tolosa, soinu artista izateaz gain, besteak beste SAKADA, PABLO RECHE edo JOHN HUDAK bezalako artisten lanak argitaratu dituen CON-V cdr-netlabelaren arduraduna da.

UBEBOET bezala, Red and Black remixes lana argitaratu du berriki.
Bilduma honetan Asher, Arturas Bumsteinas, Mathieu Ruhlman eta Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words sortzaileek Ubeboet-ek iaz earlabs online zigiluan argitaratutako Red and Black diska osatu zuten kantuak birmoldatu dituzte.
Lan osoa online eskuragarri dago ZEROMOON disketxearen webgunean.

Bestalde CON-Vnetlabelak ere geldiezinezko erritmoa darama eta aste honetan bertan argitaratu du 28. erreferentzia.


CON-V webgunetik:
Ernesto Rodrigues has, of all players in the field of non-idiomatic improv, been the most manifest on the internet, with what is now already his third net-label release (also having his music out on ctrl-alt-canc and Stasisfield). Within this present constellation (together with Libanese avantists Christine & Sharif Sehnaoui) a musical universe is conjured which, lacking any figurative tendencies, can be characterised as a very hylic affair – dealing as it does with the ‘lowest’ portion of musical matter, letting for no instance of sublimation. The grittiness, the very elemental quality of the sonorities are something of a very coarse-definition blow-up of the respective instrument’s material properties (being violin, guitar & saxophone), a white-noise produced by solely analogue mechanics. Under the stress & strain of several extended techniques the acoustic possibilities that these instruments intrinsically possess are elicited from the marrow of their material structure, which is not a pretty picture. It is, in fact, not a picture at all, but rather an instance of the deconstruction of Maya.

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