Archive for Noviembre, 2010

CASA DAS ATOCHAS orde de desaloxo

Martes, Noviembre 30th, 2010



a xuíza que instrúe o caso da Casa das Atochas xa mandou a temida carta de requerimento de desaloxo para o vindeiro 9 de decembro.
Este centro social okupado no céntrico barrio das Atochas convertiuse por dereito propio nun referente contracultural e de loita social no plano local e incluso galego. Dous anos e medio de incesantes actividades á marxe do capitalismo e da xerarquía avalan a súa bagaxe autónoma e autoxestionaria.
De Casa das Atochas

Moitos foron os proxectos, loitas e actividades antirrepresivas ou solidarias financiados gracias á okupa; moitos foron os concertos, pases de video, palestras e obradoiros que dinamizaron unha cidade antes marcada polo tedio e a apatía. Pronto chegará o momento no que faga falla a solidariedade de todxs aquelxs amigxs que desexen amosar o seu apoio a tan prolífico como gamberro proxecto. Todxs seremos necesarixs.

Atentxs, pois seguiremos informando.
Mantemos as actividades programadas.

Contra o capital e a especulación, que viva a okupación!
A Casa das Atochas non se desaloxa!

Martes, Noviembre 30th, 2010


Jueves, Noviembre 25th, 2010


Curva Chiusa Tuning Dead Popes

Miércoles, Noviembre 24th, 2010

Curva Chiusa taldearen Halloween kontzertua
Città del Vaticano MMX

Tuning Dead Popes / Tombe Papali Scordati

Curva Chiusa Halloween Concert MMX

L’ULL CEC: properes activitats

Sábado, Noviembre 20th, 2010

27-28/11.2010 + 4-5/12.2010
Seminari sobre fonografia i enregistraments de camp.
A càrrec de Gilles Aubry.
[ ]

25.11.2010 Rubén Patiño. Performance audiovisual.
Entrada Gratuïta.
Hangar, 20h.

03.12.2010 Doble concert quadrafònic amb…
Gilles Aubry [ ]
+ Paulo Raposo [ ]
Auditori MACBA, 21h. 7 €.

16-18.12.2010 Army of Darkness.
Instal·lació sonora generativa per Gullibloon.
Nivell Zero, Fundació Suñol. 16h-18h. Entrada gratuïta.

17-19.12.2010 Música Algorísmica i de Sistemes.
Seminari sobre sistemes generatius aplicats a l’art i la música.
A càrrec de Roc Jiménez de Cisneros.
[ ]

20.12.2010 Synchronator (Gert-Jan Prins + Bas van Koolwijk)
Project presentation (19:30h)
Live audiovisual performance (20:30h).
Nivell Zero, Fundació Suñol. 7 €.
[ ]
press kit: [ ]

+info online ben aviat a:

[ ]


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ez ekitean

Viernes, Noviembre 12th, 2010

ez ekitean natza gatza datza zai


Mieltxo eta internet 2

Jueves, Noviembre 11th, 2010

to! 2.0!!

reductive/ debut del sello y primera referencia

Lunes, Noviembre 8th, 2010

texturas mínimas y souvenirs sonoros


reductive /  debut y primera referencia:

red01. I am scratching a cd in a room _ CHOI JOONYONG


I am scratching a cd in a room (reductive 01, 2010, compact disc)

Choi Joonyong : prepared cds

1 track (running time 21:26)

released: autumn 2010

extended info .pdf (spanish)


Artist’s note:

The process of this recording was done by the following sequence:

record the sound of sinewave -> Part 0

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 0 and scratch the cdr -> Part 0 cdr

record the sound of Part 0 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 1

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 1 and scratch the cdr -> Part 1 cdr

record the sound of Part 1 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 2

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 2 and scratch the cdr -> Part 2 cdr

record the sound of Part 2 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 3

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 3 and scratch the cdr -> Part 3 cdr

record the sound of Part 3 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 4

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 4 and scratch the cdr -> Part 4 cdr

record the sound of Part 4 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 5

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 5 and scratch the cdr -> Part 5 cdr

record the sound of Part 5 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 6

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 6 and scratch the cdr -> Part 6 cdr

record the sound of Part 6 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 7

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 7 and scratch the cdr -> Part 7 cdr

record the sound of Part 7 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 8

make a new cdr with the sound of Part 8 and scratch the cdr -> Part 8 cdr

record the sound of Part 8 cdr played on a cd-player -> Part 9

This recording contains Part 1 ~ 9 in numerical order.

Artist bio:

Choi Joonyong started making noise with Hong Chulki as Astronoise from 1996.

He plays electronic instruments such as opened cdplayers, reel tape player and speakers. He is participating in harsh noise band called Master Musik as well as playing solo, and made 3 solo albums with error sounds from cdplayers.

He is running a record label called Balloon & Needle introducing experimental music from Korea.

website >



red02. daniel del rio, roberto mallo – circular

reductive / 2010

ordering and info:

Chanzon in 4 languich x I Festival EuroAudition

Viernes, Noviembre 5th, 2010

[it] poi è sparito
poi non esiste
poi poi è un polipoinico

[eusk] ez da geroak
gero da joana
gero gero poliondorengoko zaitugu

[esp] tras ha desaparecido
tras no esiste con ese
tras tras es un politrasto

[UK] later disapeared
afterwards not be
then then is polithentical

music: sacha hill
words: popular
style: druming pop

“Sentimenduen ildotik” Koldo Zubeldia

Viernes, Noviembre 5th, 2010

Sentimenduen ildotik.doc

“Sentimenduen ildotik” KOLDO ZUBELDIA

Irakurketa hitzak eta musika

Azken aldiko pentsamenduak eta sentipenak adieraziko ditu, poesia eran

Laguntzaile berezia: PELLO RAMIREZ
(esku-soinua joz)
Aurkezle-animatzailea: Koldo Goitia

ORDUA: Arratsaldeko 7: 30etan.