Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

Euskal herriko musikari zenbait Greziako Atenas hirian ospatuko den ELECTROGRAPH jaialdian parte hartuko dute.
varios músicos vascos participarán próximamente en el festival ELECTROGRAPH que se celebrará en la ciudad de Atenas, Grecia.

Athens Sound Media

Justice Yeldham . Achim Wollscheid . Texturizer . Iñigo Telletxea . Harmonium Sisso Orchestra (Ilios + Coti K + xabier erkizia) .
Old Fadhioned Donkeys . Jerome Noetinger . Mattin . Edorta Izarzugaza . Komsomolsk . NMF . Geert Feytons . Drog-a-atek . Emil Beaulieu

urtarrilaren 28-29 enero
Polis PARK, ATENAS (Grezia / Grecia)

+ INFO: www.electrograph.gr
antolatzailea : ELECTROGRAPH

JOHN TILBURY artikulua-articulo: berria.info

Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

BERRIA egunkariak, gaurko (11-1-06) alean AMM taldeko kide den JOHN TILBURY musikariari buruzko artikulu bat argitaratu du, Bilbaon eskainiko duen kontzertuaren kari. Idatziaren bertsio dijitala HEMEN kontsulta daiteke.

La edición del periódico BERRIA de hoy (11-1-06) publica un artículo sobre el miembro de la formación AMM, JOHN TILBURY que ofrecerá un concierto en Bilbao. Se puede consultar la versión digital AQUI.

JOHN TILBURY live@ Bilbao

Friday, January 6th, 2006

2006ko urtarrilaren 11a, asteazkena / miercoles 11 de enero del 2006 – 20:00
Palacio Euskalduna jauregia, BILBAO

Berebiziko sorpresa hartu dugu AMM musika talde berritzaile eta historikoaren partaide den JOHN TILBURY pianojoleak heldu den astean Bilbaon kontzertu bat eskainiko duela jakiterakoan. Are gehiago harritu gaitu EUSKALDUNA jauregi ponposoan joko duela jakiteak (bere taldekide diren/ziren EDDIE PRÉVOST eta KEITH ROWEk adibidez, azken urteotan egin diguten bisitetan bertzelako egoera eta leku aski desberdinetan ikusi ahal ditugunean, lehenaren kasuan Bilbaoko Larresistens lokalean edo bigarrenaren kasuan Berako ERTZ jaialdian). Eta gehiago harritu gaitu (honakoan ezjakintasunarengatik, hara!) SABIN BIKANDI txistulariarekin batera eta ASTEAZKENETAN TXISTUA BENETAN (ikus artikulua) izeneko programazioan joko duela jakiterakoan!
Era batera edo bestera ongietorria izan dadila.

Hemos recibido con gran sorpresa la noticia de que el pianista inglés JOHN TILBURY miembro de la seminal formación AMM ofrecerá un concierto la semana que viene en Bilbao. Más nos hemos sorprendido al saber que el concierto será en el pomposo palacio EUSKALDUNA (mientras que, hemos podido ver, en las últimas visitas que nos han hecho, a sus compañeros EDDIE PRÉVOST y KEITH ROWE en lugares y situaciones completamente diferentes, el primero en el local bilbaíno Larresistens y el segundo en el festival ERTZ de Bera). Y aún mas nos ha llamado la atención (esta vez por desconocimiento, ups!) que compartirá escenario con el txistulari SABIN BIKANDI dentro de la programación ASTEAZKENETAN TXISTUA BENETAN (los miercoles el txistu de verdad)!
De una forma de o de la otra, sea bienvenido,

DEREK BAILEY artikulua: berria.info

Thursday, January 5th, 2006

photo: SOFA / Thomas Hukkelberg

BERRIA egunkariak DEREK BAILEY gitarrajoleari buruz Mikel Lizarraldek eta Xabier Erkiziak idatzitako orri osoko artikulua argitaratu du gaurko alean. Online bertsioa HEMEN irakurri daiteke.


Wednesday, January 4th, 2006

Convocatoria para participar en un proyecto de colaboración sonora utilizando el mismo material sonoro como base.
Soinu materiale bera oinarritzat hartuz sortutako elkarlan egitasmoan parte hartzeko deialdia.

*_Vickys Mosquitos_* is an ongoing project, in which performing artists all over the world are invited to use a recording of the “VICKY’S MOSQUITOS” text as read by MacOS voice ‘Vicky’ as material in a composed and/or improvised sound piece, during one of their performances.

There’s a ‘reportage’ on the ‘Vickys Mosquitos Special’ that I organised last december in Paris, France, in the latest issue of the SoundBlog HERE

For the original ‘call and rules for participation’, look HERE.

(Obviously … that’s what this is all about …)



+ info from SOUNDBLOG:

vicky’s mosquitos

september 06, 2004.

“Vicky’s Mosquitos” is a new project of mine. It is based upon Mosquitos, a chapter from ‘Mars & other Stars’, a story that I wrote precisely three years ago, over the first weekend of september 2001. The story is set against the yearly Stockhausen summer courses that take place in the German village of Kürten. Those that have been there, will probably recognize a lot. The story’s plot is pure ‘fiction’, though.

In the ‘Mosquitos’ chapter the narrator meets Jeff, who is from L.A. Jeff came to the courses with his keyboard, to learn how to play Stockhausen’s “Piano Piece XV”, also known as the “Synthi-Fou”. At breakfast in the hotel where the narrator and Jeff are staying, they meet another course participant: the Professor. The main part of the text consists in a monologue by the Professor: about the mosquitos that have been keeping him awake, buzzing and biting him all night long, about his former alcoholism, his mother, about burglars and the wearing of clean ironed suits …

“Vicky’s Mosquitos” has MacOS voice ‘Vicky’ reading a version of the text, that I beforehand adapted to the peculiarities of her voice and diction.
It takes Vicky 30 minutes and 7 seconds to say it all.

For the sequel of the project I am looking for musicians that are interested in creating a soundtrack to Vicky’s reading of ‘Mosquitos’.
As (part of) a ‘live performance’.
Improvised, composed … whatever.
They may use all of Vicky’s reading, unaltered; or choose parts of it; or make their own ‘cut-up’ of the reading. Comment upon it, react to it, destroy it, enhance it, de(con)struct it …

The only ‘conditions’ are:

1. Eventually their work ‘using Vicky’ should be brought ‘live’ (in public) ;
2. Each performance should start with, and leave unaltered, the first phrase of Vicky’s reading.

You can listen to and/or download Vicky’s reading from the Open Source Audio section of the Internet Archive.

If you are interested in ‘playing with Vicky’, and participate in the project, I will send you an audio-CD with the recording’s master file. (Drop me an email, or leave a comment below …)

For the ‘Vicky’s Mosquitos Project’, as I see it now, apart from providing the recording of Vicky reading Mosquitos, my only additional task will be the collecting of the works thus made.
Whenever, at some time in the future, someone will be doing a performance involving Vicky’s Mosquitos, I would like him/her/them to let me have:

* details of the performance (place, time, …) ;
* pictures of the event ;
* a recording (on cassette, MD, whatever).

Of course I hope to eventually obtain many contributions, hear many different styles, approaches and atmospheres, from places all over the world … Given a decent ‘volume’ of contributions, I will try to have all of them played, in full, in (one, or – who knows -, several) ‘day/night-long’ radio- and/or webcasts. Also, I will of course document all contributions on a website dedicated to the project.

365 days project – UBU.COM

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

Nahiz eta jatorriz 2003an sortutako egitasmoa izan, 2006. urte berriarekin batera gozatzeko audio-proiektu interesgarria da 365 DAYS PROJECT. Urteko egun bakoitzerako kantu bat, grabaketa bitxi bat, kolaboratzaile askorekin bildutakoa UBU egitasmo ikaragarriaren eskutik.

Aunque es un proyecto nacido en el año 2003, aprovechando el inicio del nuevo año 2006, os recomendamos el interesante 365 DAYS PROJECT. Una canción, grabación curiosa para cada dia del año, compilado gracias a una gran cantidad de colaboradores y de la mano del infinito proyecto UBU.