Friday, February 27th, 2009Ya esta online el disco [SPAM DETECT] de Xabier Erkizia, publicado el año pasado por el sello Hamaika. Todavía quedan algunas copias en CD que se pueden conseguir vía ARTO ARTIAN.
Dagoeneko online eskuragarri dago Xabier Erkiziaren [SPAM DETECT] soinuzko lana, iaz Hamaika disketxeak argitaratutakoa. Oraindik CD euskarrian ere lor daiteke diska (azken kopiak) ARTO ARTIAN bidez.
Download: http://www.archive.org/details/Spam_Detect
+ info: http://www.gatza.org/hamaika10.html
“Whatever it is that he does he does it with great style. Tracks ranging from a handful of seconds to eight minutes with enough variation and speed keeps things going. Think Mattin meeting Ikeda – if that would make any sense at all. For me it does.” VITAL WEEKLY
“Fisiologikoki oldarkorra izanda ere, lan ederra da, eta alde masokista azaleratuz, zentzuekin (sufrituaz) gozatu liteke. Formalki lan aberatsa da oso, eta diskako piezak ez dira ideiaren ilustrazio hutsak, berez sostengatzen diren konposizioak baizik. Eduki ideologikoek ere leku garrantzitsua dute hala ere, eta hori litzateke nafarraren diskografiara dakarren berritasun nagusiena.” OIER IRURETAGOIENA
“The result itself is a fine piece of improvisation/glitch electronic music, with a wide span of styles through out the record. In the most quiet parts, it sounds like early-era Alva Noto.Quiet,structured.minimal. On the other hand, when it gets louder it gets way more choatic and noisier.” NOIZINE
“Spam Detect actually sounds as interesting as the concept behind it. But interesting isn’t always synonymous with enjoyable – and I imagine most listeners would find many of the ear-scything, gut-churning sounds Erkizia’s machine spits out after crunching up Viagra Pills, Red Drugs, Palmyra Wood and Green Beer (?) as downright irritating as the original junk email. Maybe they’re supposed to be.” PARIS TRANSATLANTIC
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