EXCENTRICA.org netlabel

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

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Aunque ya hablamos en su día del excelente netlabel ruso MUSICA EXCENTRICA, la excusa de la reciente publicación de una nueva referencia, esta vez de la mano de ALEXEI BORISOV, nos sirve para recordar y volver a recomendar el excelente catálogo de este netlabel. Aunque sólo ha publicado cuatro referencias, la plataforma dirigida por Nikita Golyshev e Ilias Mikanaev, se muestra como uno de los netlabels a tomar en cuenta en el futuro en lo que respecta a sonidos experimentales. En especial además del reciente “Abtractionist” del ruso (Borisov es todo un clásico de la escena rusa), merece recomendar la escucha del recopilatorio “Pure” formado por tres excelentes piezas de Kevin Drumm, Joe Colley y Jessica Rylan.


Desetxea #112, 113, 114

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

Berriak desetxean!
Novedades en Desetxea!


IBON: Sunday morning

Alexei Borisov & Anton Nikkilä:  Specialized literature on microsurgery

Antoine Chessex: DemoDemolition


Monday, January 29th, 2007

Orain dela hilabete gutxi [un]common sounds jardunaldietan parte hartu zuen Achim Wollscheid artista alemaniarrak hitzaldi bat eskainiko du aste honetan Leioako Euskal herriko unibertsitateko Arte ederren fakultatean.

El artista aleman Achim Wollscheid, a quien pudimos ver en las jornadas [un]common sounds celebradas hace unos pocos meses ofrecerá esa semana una conferencia en la facultad de B.B.A.A de la Universidad Pública del País vasco de Leioa.


martes 31 de enero / urtarrilaren 31a asteartea . 11:00
EHU/UPV, Arte ederren fakultatea / Facultad de BBAA, Leioa (Bizkaia)
doan / gratis

Achim Wollscheid azken 20 urteotan egindako lanarengatik nazioarteko musika esperimentalaren erakusgarri nabarmenetako bihurtu da. Bide luze hortan soinuarekin egindako lanak, soinuaren, argiaren eta espazio arkitektonikoaren arteko erlazioan sakontzera eraman du Wollscheid, interaktibitate haundiko bere lanek erakusten duten bezala. 1980.an Informazio sistemen banaketa eta produkziora zuzendutako Selektion plataforma alemaniar esanguratsuaren sortzaile izan zen. Besteak beste “The terrorized term� (1999) edo “Selected works 1990-2000″ (2001) bezalako liburuak argitaratu ditu baita “Social Music� (Errant bodies, 2002) bezalako argitalpenetan idatzi ere. Bere emanaldiak nahiz instalazio egitasmoak maiz erakutsi ditu nazioartean.

Achim Wollscheid es un artista cuyo trabajo durante los últimos 20 años ha sido considerado como la punta de lanza de la música experimental. En todo esta trayectoria su trabajo sonoro ha conducido a Wollscheid a profundizar en la relación entre sonido, luz y el espacio arquitectónico, como demuestran sus obras de gran carácter interactivo. Fue miembro fundador de la importante plataforma alemana Selektion, organización para la producción y distribución de sistemas de información. Ha publicado varios libros como “The terrorized termâ€? (1999) o “Selected works 1990-2000″ (2001) y ha participado en infinidad de publicaciones como “Social Musicâ€? (Errant bodies, 2002). Ha actuado y presentado proyectos de instalaciones internacionalmente.

+++ entzun / escucha: Achim Wollscheid: 60 x X (excerpt)

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++ videos / bideoak: light curtain installation | Nordpol bridge

+ info: selektion


Monday, January 29th, 2007

Arto artian musika txikiak eta eskulanak bantzeko katalogoak, webgune berria aurkezten du. Gune berri honetan katalogoa osatzen duten erreferentzia guztiak kontsultatu, entzun eta erosi daitezke. Besteak beste, AKAUZAZTE, TZESNE, MATTIN, ERTZ, XABIER ERKIZIA, JOSETXO GRIETA, LÖTY NEGARTI edo XEDH bezalako artisten lanak topatuko dituzu.

El catálogo para la difusión de las músicas mínimas y el disco artesano Arto artian presenta nueva web. En esta nueva página se pueden consultar, escuchar y comprar todas las referencias que completan el catálogo. Entre otros, encontrarás discos y libros de AKAUZAZTE, TZESNE, MATTIN, ERTZ, XABIER ERKIZIA, JOSETXO GRIETA, LÖTY NEGARTI, XEDH…


ARTO ARTIAN musika txikiak eta eskulanak banatzeko sortutako katalogoa da. Ez dago musika estilo jakin batean oinarritua, bere helburu nagusia euskal herriko eta inguruotako zenbait artista interesgarriren eta pertsonalen SOINU-LANAK sustatu eta banatzea da.

ARTO ARTIAN es un catálogo para la difusión de las músicas mínimas y el disco artesano. No está especializado en ningún estilo concreto, su principal propósito es proveer y promocionar SONIDOS de algunos de los artistas mas interesantes y particulares de la geografía vasca y alrededores.

ARTO ARTIAN is a catalog for the spreading of underground music and DIY records. It does not specialized in a specific genre. It’s purpose is to provide and promote SOUNDS of some of the most interesting and particular artist of our geography.

DO berriak / noticias

Friday, January 26th, 2007


Joseba Irazoki giatarrajole emankorrak laister argitartuko du lan berria, bere egitasmo esperimentalenak argitaratzeko erabiltzen duen DO ezizenarekin. Lucky kitchen labelaren webgunearen arabera , beraien katalogoko DOren bigarren diska otsailaren erdialdean aterako da.

El prolífico guitarrista Joseba Irazoki publicará próximamente un nuevo trabajo, bajo el seudónimo DO, nombre con el que presenta sus trabajos de carácter más experimental. Según la web del sello Lucky kitchen el segundo disco de DO para el catálogo del mencionado sello saldrá a mediados del mes de febrero.

+ info: www.luckykitchen.com / www.myspace.com/josebairazoki

entzun / escucha : DO: Izerdialdi (tokian tokiko, luckykitchen 2005)

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Global ear: Basque country

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

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Erresuma batuko The Wire aldizkariak, euskal herriko musika esperimentalen inguruko idatzi bat argitaratu du otsailako alean. Orrialdeko tamaina duen artikuluan (ondotik berezko hizkuntzan gehitzen duguna), Mattin-ek inguruotako musikagintzaren ezaugarri eta egitasmo zenbaiten buruzko azaleko errepaso bat egiten du.

El magazine inglés The Wire publica en su número de febrero un artículo sobre los movimientos en torno a las músicas experimentales en el pais vasco. En dicho artículo (que reproducimos a continuación y en idioma original), de una página, Mattin repasa por encima algunas características y proyectos de estos alrededores.


Ondamendia (?catastrophe? in Basque) is a recent work by the multidisciplinary artist Oier Etxeberria questioning the general health of Basque culture. Ondamendia is a collection of parodies of Basque iconic images in the  format of postcards accompanied by a 20 minute-long 3″ CD of concrète music called C14. The name is taken from Carbono 14, a radioactive isotope of carbon which is used to measure the age of an object in archaeological research. The title is an ironic reference to the ancestry of Basque Culture (Euskara the Basque language is the oldest living language in Europe). C14 combines fragments of typical Basque folk sounds made by Txistularis (flute players), Bertsolaris (poetry improvisers) and some classic songwriters from the Basque Country such as Mikel Laboa and Benito Lertxundi. These fragments are
sometimes processed and mixed with other sounds more related to contemporary life such as advertisements and cash machines. Running alongside this is an underlying narrative of an autopsy performed on a body. “It seems dead,” you hear the doctors comment, “but sometimes it seems to re-animate.” According to Etxeberria, this pseudo-zombie is a metaphor for the actual status of Basque culture. In an informal conversation at the end of last year he commented : “Because the Basque culture is such a minority, it really needs to rely strongly on
itself. Unfortunately this means that it often lacks criticism.”

As many readers will be aware the Basque Country has particular sociopolitical problems coming from the impossibility of being able to decide whether or not to be a sovereign nation due to it’s bureaucratic location in the north of Spain and the south of France. These problems are often misused by the media to serve the agenda of different political parties. Musicians in this part of the world are therefore understandably reluctant to be part of over-simplified modes of representation. At the governmental institutions run by the PNV (the Basque Nationalist Party which has been in power for the last 25 years), the purity of the Basque folk tradition and its historical construction remains unquestioned. However, works such as C14 bring new possibilities of dealing with one’s own heritage. Humour, imagination and conceptual rigour makes this work an interesting platform for discussion about the notion of Basqueness.

This summer in 2006, a meeting called MRB | AMM was organised in Arteleku by Audiolab and myself where people involved with experimental music had the opportunity to spend three days talking about what we are doing and how it relates to such a specific context. Among many discussions, the one about the problems of generating a scene stood out: how to avoid generalisations, simplifications and the dichotomy of who is in and who is out. This is something that we really know in the Basque Country as one is often forced to define oneself either as Basque or Spanish. Contrary to this, if there is something characteristic about the musicians now working in the Basque Country, it is their diversity. The variety of approaches, from Alex Mendizabal’s constant questioning of what music is and Arakis’ personal questioning of gender (apart from making electronic music, s/he is an international renowned curator dealing with issues of feminism and queer theory), to the industrial and dark soundscapes of Tzesne and his young and very enthusiastic friend Tüsüri (who, apart from being a musician runs the Webzine Sototik, a radio programme and a Net label) is mind blowing. Other examples of the Basque multitude are Pilar Baizan, characterised by her double life as Miss Toll (Electroclash) and Baseline (old school power electronics), the classically-trained cellist Maite Arroitajauregi, “el palo· (stick) player Iñigo Telletxea, Löty Negarti and his pranks and anti-virtuosism (Negarti also runs Hamaika, the most refreshing noise and improv label that I have encounter recently), the broken glamour of Baba Llaga, and the surprising re-birth of Cancer Moon singer Josetxo Anitua as the beast of improvisation in Josetxo Grieta.

It is not by chance that so many musicians are emerging from the Basque Country right now. For several years a handful of committed people have worked hard to develop a fertile ground for experimentation. Xabier Erkizia of Audiolab is not only one of the most talented musicians that I have ever met, but also an activator, someone who is constantly injecting questions and developing projects where the participants have to take an active role. At San Sebastian’s Arteleku, a contemporary art centre, he has developed Audiolab, a laboratory for the development of experimental music. Audiolab organises workshops, talks, presentations and concerts as well as other activities. It is also a studio where people are welcome to explore the universe of sound. Another project that Erkizia is part of, together with Dimitris Kariofilis,
is [UN]COMMON SOUNDS, a theoretical and practical research into the international experimental music community. Kariofilis has also recently released a CD of tracks by young Basque artists on his label Antifrost.

The Ertz collective was founded by Erkizia in the year 2000, and has organised a festival in the small but beautiful town of Bera for the last seven years. Thanks to Ertz and the Musica Ex Machina festival in Bilbao, people have been able to see performances by many of the interesting international artists working right now. While Ertz is mainly concerned with sound art, the MEM festival is trying to bring back the image of Bilbao as an industrial city in cultural terms, focussing on the rougher side of things presenting international noise artists alongside emerging local talent. MEM has helped to make the city’s underground culture more dynamic through organising noise concerts in different venues such as a sixth-floor metal workshop in the neighbourhood of San Francisco and at Bilborock, a church dedicated to the preaching of Rock and Roll. Another interesting place is the Matadero of Azkoitia, a squatted ex-slaughter house that has been organising concerts for many years. This is also the territory of the legendary cult band Akauzazte, an obsessed, dense and obscure experimental rock band singing in Basque who on a good day can beat any other such act, even though they are not so well known outside the Basque Country. Furthermore, Akauzazte, Tzesne and the Ertz collective have just started a new DIY distributor and Net based shop called Arto Artian, where you will be able to find the works from many of these talented and challenging artists. So even if former
Akauzazte member Oier Etxeberria thinks that Basque culture needs some serious revitalisation, it seems obvious to me that it is already getting some potent electric shocks in the form of experimental music.

[We005] Melt: Minnesota remixed

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007


Tüsüri eta Tzesne soinu artistek, berriki martxan jarritako Wandering ear netlabelaren azken erreferentzian pieza bana argitaratu dute. Labelaren 5. erreferentzia den “Melt – Minnesota remixed” bildumak 26 konposatzaile gonbidatu ditu orain arte argitaratutako lan guziak (denak landa grabaketak) oinarri hartuta berrinterpretazio ariketa interesgarri bat osatzeko. Tüsüri-ren elur(ur)tze, nere gusturako, azken aldian errenteriakoari entzundako lan ederrenetako bat da, zimur eta ñabarduraz betea. Tzesne-ren the_office aldiz, aise pieza gogorragoa da, (adjetibo bat erabiltzekotan) metalikoa, izenburua ematen dion bulegoko tresnak pilatuz ed o xehatuz egindakoa bailitzan.

Diska honako helbidean deskarga daiteke: http://www.wanderingear.com/we005.html

In 2006, Wandering Ear debuted with the compilation “Thaw: Field Recordings from Minnesota” . Now, a host of audio artists from around the world have used these recordings as source material for remixes, bending and folding the sounds to their own ends. Ducks, geese, lakes, waterfalls, boats, helicopters, and answering machine messages are spun into new and unexpected dimensions.

El Movimiento de la Voz

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007

via Bettina Aragon Hillemann

Hola a todas:
Para este principio de año 2 noticias nuevas.

1. Reanudamos el grupo de canto el viernes, 26 de enero de 2007 a las 19.30 h.
Si estás interesada en acudir, confírmame la asistencia por e-mail o por teléfono.

2. Curso intensivo de fin de semana del “Movimiento de la Voz�
Fechas: Sábado, 17 y Domingo, 18 de febrero de 2007
Duración: 10 horas
Precio: 95 euros
Lugar: Donostia
Para información detallada: 605 742 607 / betarahill@hotmail.com