Otra vez (y con esta van…) la web UBU nos fascina y nos regala contenidos de máximo interes sobre las artes más experimentales. La actualización de otoño 2006 presenta entre otros, la reedición (en video y en audio) de las impagables entrevistas realizadas por Robert Ashley a diversos compositores norteamericanos de los 70 como Alvin Lucier, Gordon Mumma o Pauline Oliveros. La obra se titula Music with Roots in the Aether. Una joya.
Esto y Seth Price, más films de Debord, la excelente colección homenaje a Satie, Pianoless vexations…
Bertze batez (eta honekin iada aunitz dira) UBU webguneak harritu egin gaitu eta artegintza esperimentalen inguruko eduki interesgarri mordo bat oparitzen digu. 2006ko udazkeneko eguneraketak, bertzeak bertze, Robert Ashleyk iparramerikako 70.ko hainbat musika konposatzaileri (Alvin Lucier, Gordon Mumma, Pauline Oliveros..) egindako elkarrizketa paregabeen berrargitalpena (bideoan nahiz audioan) aurkezten digu. Lanak Music with Roots in the Aether du izena eta harribitxi bat da. Hori eta Seth Price, Deborden film gehiago, Satieri eskainitako Pianoless vexations omenaldia…

UBUWEB :: Fall 2006
Terayama Shuji – Experimental Image World (7 Volume Collection): Poet, playright, theatre director, filmmaker, essayist, agitator and lover of all things anarchistic, chaotic, and truthful, TERAYAMA SHUJI (1936-1983) is one of Japan’s most revered and respected artists. In the heady and extremist Japanese art scene of the late ’70s, Terayama created a number of unforgettable and highly controversial films. EMPEROR TOMATO KETCHUP is his epic, sexually revolutionary and hallucinatory work from 1972 in which “magical women act as the initiatory, yet protectively maternal sexual partners to children. The children, in revolt, have condemned their parents to death for depriving them of self-expression and sexual freedom; they create a society in which fairies and sex education are equally important and literally combinable.” — Amos Vogel, Film as a Subversive Art (AVI)
Music With Roots in the Aether: UbuWeb is pleased to announce the relaunch of the AVI’s, RealVideo and MP3s of Robert Ashley’s Music with Roots in the Aether, a seminal series of interviews and performances conceived and realized by Robert Ashley in 1976, consisting of 14 hours worth of video and audio. Subjects and performers include: David Behrman, Philip Glass, Alvin Lucier, Gordon Mumma, Pauline Oliveros, Terry Riley, and Robert Ashley. Robert Ashley says: Music with Roots in the Aether is a series of interviews with seven composers who seemed to me when I conceived the piece-and who still seem to me twenty-five years later-to be among the most important, influential and active members of the so-called avant-garde movement in American music, a movement that had its origins in the work of and in the stories about composers who started hearing things in a new way at least fifty years ago.”
The Films of Groupe Medvekine Between the March strikes in 1967 at Rhodia in Besançon and work standardisation at the Peugeot factories in Sochaux, there occurred — under the impetus of Chris Marker and his friends — the constitution and action of the “Medvedkin Groups” for producing, directing and distributing political films. “A necessary caution: the “democratization of tools” entails many financial and technical constraints, and does not save us from the necessity of work. Owning a DV camera does not magically confer talent on someone who doesn’t have any or who is too lazy to ask himself if he has any. You can miniaturize as much as you want, but a film will always require a great deal of work – and a reason to do it. That was the whole story of the Medvedkin groups, the young workers who, in the post-’68 era, tried to make short films about their own lives, and whom we tried to help on the technical level, with the means of the time.” – Chris Marker
Seth Price “Title Variable” UbuWeb is pleased to present a retrospective of Price’s ‘Title Variable’ audio project, from 2001 to the present. In an ongoing series of music compilations, each concentrating on a technologically transitional but culturally ill-defined moment within the recent history of digital music production, Price suggests how production tools have changed music, both in distribution and who controls it as much as in structure and sound. From early video game soundtracks to New Jack Swing to Industrial music, Price exploits the genre of “mix tapes” as sound art. As a mass form operating outside commercial channels, the mix tape seems to stubbornly and perversely retain its purchase on the imagination long after actual mix-tapes have slipped free of storage constraints and lost any clear definition.
UbuWeb Film & Video Relaunch UbuWeb announces a relaunch of its film and video section. Greatly expanded with liner notes and links, we’re now hosting over 300 avant-garde films and videos. New additions include works by artists such as Vito Acconci, Alexander Calder, Merce Cunningham, Harun Farocki, Groupe Medvedkine, Helmut Herbst, Fernand Leger, Bruce Nauman, Charlemagne Palestine, Shuji Terayama, David Wojnarowicz, Richard Serra, Piero Heliczer, Paul McCarthy and many more.
The Films of Maurico Kagel (1965-1983) (AVI) Whether in the classical music hall, the theatrical stage or film/video, Kagel’s neo-dada performances and wickedly original techniques always opens one’s eyes and ears to the pure possibilities of sounds and their production. Although this aspect of his varied productions is little known in the US, Kagel’s output as a filmmaker is tremendous. He just about made a film or video each year in the 60s and 70s, and has only begun to slow down in recent times. Films include “Antithese” (1965), “Match” (1966), “Solo” (1967), “Duo” (1967-68), “Hallelujah” (1969), “Ludwig Van” (1969), “Blue’s Blue” (1981) and “MM51 / Nosferatu” (1983). You can also listen to Kagel’s music here.
Pianoless Vexations (MP3) 8 hours of MP3s recorded live at The Sculpture Center, NYC on June 11, 2006. Vexations was composed by Erik Satie in 1893 and consists of a short motif repeated 840 times. Vexations was first performed publicly by John Cage and several other pianists over the course of 19 hours in 1963. As the title conveys, artists performing in Pianoless Vexations used any instrument except the piano to perform Satie’s original composition. Instruments included laptops, drums, guitar, French horn, violin, trumpet, saxophone, viola, recorder, toy piano, harpsichord, mandolin, bass, film projectors, voice, dulcimer and more. Artists include Randy Nordschow; Hay Sanders; Bruce Pearson and Marco Navarette; Daphna Mor, Rachel Begley, and Nina Stern; Bruce Arnold Jazz Trio; Alan Licht and Angela Jaeger; String Messengers; Rusty Santos; Amy Granat; Greg Kelley; Miguel Frasconi; Bethany Ryker; D. Edward Davis and Erik Carlson; Zachary Seldess; Charles Waters and Katie Pawluk; Andrew Lampert and Steve Dalachinsky; Margaret Leng Tan; Trudy Chan; David Grubbs; Goddess; Matthew Ostrowski; Kenta Nagai; Stephin Merritt and Ethan Cohen; Rick Moody, Hannah Marcus, and Tianna Kennedy.
— Fall 2006 :: NEW ADDITIONS —
Toshio Matsumoto – Experimental Film Works, 1961-1987 (AVI)
Richard Foreman – Strong Medicine, 1981 (AVI)
Jean Epstein – La glace à trois faces, 1927 (AVI)
Segundo de Chomón – Selected Works, 1902-1914 (AVI)
Carlfriedrich Claus – Menschliche Existenz als Experiment, 1997 (AVI)
Willard Maas – Andy Warhol’s Silver Flotations, 1966 (AVI)
Marie Menken – Glimpse of the Garden, 1957 (AVI)
Jarrod Fowler – Recent Audio Works
Bruce Andrews & Dirk Rowntree – Prehab (2005) (MOV)
Laurel Beckman – Beatbots
Beth Anderson – Audio works from Peachy Keen O, 2006, MP3
Guy Debord – Films
Brian Kim Stefans – Kluge (2006)
Featured UbuWeb Resources: Fall 2006
Selected by Nick Currie (aka Momus)
John Cage
Mushroom Haiku, excerpt from Silence (1972/69)
Vito Acconci
The Bristol Project 2001
Mike Kelley
Excerpt from “Plato’s Cave, Rothko’s Chapel, Lincoln’s Profile”
Todd Dockstader
Interview, 1963 (WRVR, Riverside Radio, New York City)
e.e. cummings
Let’s From Some Loud Unworld’s Most Rightful Wrong
Piers Plowright
Radio Radio, Program 11: Piers Plowright
Ernst Jandl
What you can do without vowels
Scanner / Jean Cocteau
The Human Voice
Laurie Anderson
For Electronic Dogs/Structuralist Filmmaking/Drums
Momus and Anne Laplantine
Summerisle Horspiel
Nick Currie, perhaps better known as Momus, is an “electronic folk singer” with twenty albums to his credit. Born in Scotland in 1960, he has lived in London, Paris, Tokyo, New York and Berlin. More recently he’s diversified into writing and art. He appeared in the 2006 Whitney Biennial as an “unreliable tour guide”.
UBUWEB :: Fall 2006
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