Desetxea #82, #83, #84, #85, #86

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

Nuevos desetxos en desetxea netlabel :

*desetxo86 13.6.2006 Smaa Hender: 17-11to19-37 / 34-51to37-12 / 46-03to47-15
*desetxo85 13.6.2006 Xedh: No pito listo
*desetxo84 13.6.2006 Kylie Minoise: Live Aktion 35 Zurich
*desetxo83 02.6.2006 Cheapmachines: Brazen (variant I & II)
*desetxo82 02.6.2006 We’re breaking up: You Make Something Special With Your Heart / Read-Thru
nota: todos los archivos son OGG, puedes ecucharlos con VLC.

MUXIKA.INFO deskargak

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006

Musikari eskainitako webgune berriak euskal herriko zenbait soinu artisten lanak argitaratu ditu euskarri dijitalean. Besteak beste zenbait proposamen esperimental entzun ahal dira libreki deskargatzeko moduan dauden lan hauen artean: EDORTA IZARZUGAZA, JOHANNES BUFF, GOTOGORROTO…
Musika elektronikoa, paisajismoa, collagea eta tartean kantautoreak, metala, grindcorea… ia denak ere talde eta musikari bizkaitarren eskutik (Buff adibidez iparraldekoa da).
Zinez bilduma berezia da honako hau, eta zergatik ez, arraroa bere osotasunean.
Ikusiko dugu nola jarraituko den hazitzen, baina momentuz badago zerekin hasi.

Johannes Buff
El reciente sitio web acaba de publicar varios trabajos en formato digital online. Entre estos trabajos libremente descargables desde la red encontramos algunas propuestas experimentales como: EDORTA IZARZUGAZA, JOHANNES BUFF, GOTOGORROTO…
Música electrónica, paisajismo, collage y entre esto, cantautores, metal, grindcore…. casi todos de la mano de músicos y grupos de bizkaia (Buff vive en iparralde).
Sin duda, es una curiosa colección y porqué no, incluso extraña.
Seguiremos la pista para ver como crece, pero de momento ya hay con que comenzar.

Johannes Buff

UBUWEB :: Summer 2006ko uda

Monday, July 3rd, 2006

U B U W E B abre nueva temporada veraniega demostrando que sigue siendo probablemente el sitio web sobre arte contemporáneo, en especial del más experimental, más importante e interesante de la red. Cientos, por no decir casi miles de archivos en formato MP3, PDF o MPEG, con lecturas, composiciones, conciertos, discos, libros, ensayos, films, documentales….

U B U W E B webguneak udako denboraldi berria abiarazi du, bertze batez arte garaikideari, bereziki esperimentalenari, eskainitako gune interesgarri eta garrantzitsuenetako bat dela erakutsiz. Ehundaka, milaka ez errateagatik, artxibo dago kontsultarako, MP3, PDF edo MPEG euskarrietan, idatzi, liburu, konposizio, kontzertu, filme edo dokumentariekin.


— Winter 2006 :: NEW ADDITIONS —

John Cage & Morton Feldman In Conversation, 1967 (MP3)
Bernd Alois Zimmermann Musique pour les soupers du Roi Ubu (1968) (MP3)
Hermann Bohlen Gekaut!! (Bis es von alleine herunterläuft) (MP3)
Eric Rosolowski WMD (2006)
Ghérasim Luca Radio France Broadcasts: Passionnément & Une vie une oeuvre (2005) [MP3]
Phil Niblock Hannah Weiner, 1975 (Real Video)
Phil Niblock Armand Schwerner, 1973 (Real Video)
Guy Debord Hurlements en faveur de Sade 1952, 128.5 mb (AVI)
People Like Us & Felix Kubin Molaradio, 2004 [MP3]

The Films of Jack Goldstein (MP4) Ten rarely seen short films made between 1974 and 1978: “Portrait of Pere Tanguy” (1974), Shane, Butterflies, The Knife, Ballet Shoe, White Dove, The Chair, MGM (all 1975), Bone China (1976) and The Jump (1978). The long-term significance of Jack Goldstein’s artistic achievement is only now becoming evident. In his life and work, Jack, who committed suicide in San Bernardino in March 2003 at the age of fifty-seven, articulated the profound anxiety dominating an era of spectacle, as the open-ended Conceptual practices that characterized the ’70s gave way to an appropriation-based return to narrative imagemaking. His films, 45 rpm records, paintings, text pieces, and performances formed a hinge between the end of one decade and the beginning of another, articulating elements of both while refusing to be contained by either. You can listen to Goldstein’s recordings here.

György Ligeti: Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes (AVI): Video from an ARTE (France) broadcast of Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes. Since its world premiere in the Netherlands in 1963, Poème symphonique for 100 metronomes has been very rarely performed in public. The complicated scenographic staging, the detailed preparation by hand, the need for around ten technicians to activate more or less simultaneously the 100 metronomes, makes the demand for performances limited. Also, György Ligeti: Portrait, A Documentary by Michel Follin (1993). The Hungarian composer György Ligeti’s biography typifies the displaced cosmopolitan, truly at home only in the international community of music. Appropriately enough, this revealing film portrait of his life and music has a train journey as its central metaphor, with Ligeti gazing through the window onto the changing middle-European landscape. His music – innovative, complex, brilliantly eclectic – accompanies his reflections and memories. (French, no subtitles).

GreyLodge: UbuWeb’s New Partner UbuWeb is pleased to announce our new alliance with the incredible avant-garde resource GreyLodge, home of the Grey Lodge Occult Review and G-Pod. Over the past year, we have shared a similar aesthetic and have mirrored each other’s content. Now, with the two sites partnering, you will see an increase in new film and audio offerings on UbuWeb, as well as a great increase in bandwidth and server stability for GL users. Welcome GreyLodge!

The Cut-Up Films of William S. Burroughs (1963-1972) (AVI): Five seminal films by Burroughs in collaboration with Anthony Balch: William Buys a Parrot (1963), Towers Open Fire (1963), Ghost at n°9 (Paris) (1963-1972) Bill and Tony (1972) and The Cut-Ups (1966). You can also listen to audio by Burroughs and read his Electronic Revolution (1970).

Vienna Actionist Films 1967-1970 (MP4): Eight vintage films by Otto Muehl and Otmar Bauer. Includes Meuhl’s Manopsychotisches Ballett (1970), Investmentfonds (1970), Psychotic Party (1970), Stille Nacht (1969) and Der Geile Wotan (1970); and Bauer’s Zeigt (1969), Impudenz Im Grunewald (1969) and 20.September (1967). Cinematography by Hermann Jauk, Jörg Siegert, Otto Muehl and Kurt Kren. You can also listen to Otto Muehl’s Psycho Motorik & Ein Schrecklicher Gedanke, LPs (MP3) from 1971 as well as two interviews by Hermann Nitsch (MP3), one from 1975 and the other from 1999.

Abbie Hoffman Makes Gefilte Fish (1973) (MP4, 180mb): Just in time for Passover, UbuWeb is proud to present this never-before seen footage of Abbie Hoffman making gefilte fish on Christmas Eve of 1973. Filmed with Laura Cavestani, Hoffman tells stories as he performs an elaborate ancient Hoffman family recipie before the camera (21 minutes). You can also listen to Hoffman’s long out-of-print LP, Wake Up America from 1969 (MP3).

FluxFilms (1962 – 1970): UbuWeb is pleased to announce the return of FluxFilms. Dating from the sixties and compiled by George Maciunas (1931-1978, founder of Fluxus), this is a document consisting of 37 short films ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes in length. These films (some of which were meant to be screened as continuous loops) were shown as part of the events and happenings of the New York avant-garde. Made by the artists listed above, they celebrate the ephemeral humor of the Fluxus movement.Films by Nam June Paik, Dick Higgins, George Maciunas, Chieko Shiomi, John Cavanaugh, James Riddle, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, Robert Watts, Pieter Vanderbiek, Joe Jones, Eric Anderson, Jeff Perkins, Wolf Vostell, Albert Fine, George Landow, Paul Sharits, John Cale, Peter Kennedy, Mike Parr, Ben Vautier. (MPEG)

Ferdinand Kriwet Hörspiels: Three unreleased legendary Hörspiels from the late 60s and early 70s, originally broadcast on German radio: Apollo America (1969), a sound collage of the events of Apollo 11, mostly recorded off of New York radio; and Voice of America (1970), a snapshot of American media at the beginning of the 1970s. Also included is an early work for mulitple voices, Jaja (1965). You can browse Kriwet’s prescient visual works in UbuWeb’s Historical section.

Aram Saroyan Feature: UbuWeb celebrates the groundbreaking 1960s concrete poetry of Aram Saroyan by hosting The Street, a film based on Saroyan’s life during that period. Other works by Saroyan on UbuWeb include three full-length books of classic concrete poetry: Pages (Random House, 1969), Aram Saroyan (Random House, 1968), and Cloth: An Electric Novel (Big Table, 1971). Saroyan chronicles his making of these poems in his essay Flower Power and his historical postition is noted in Mary Ellen Solt’s 1968 “Concrete Poetry: A World View : United States” in UbuWeb Papers. Finally, you can listen to some very rare audio recordings made by Saroyan in the mid to late 1960s.

Ethnopoetics Update: UbuWeb Ethnopoetics editor Jerome Rothenberg has supplied us with a fresh batch of poems and essays including: Yunte Huang’s essay with visuals of poems inscribed on walls by Chinese immigrants at Angel Island, San Francisco; Dennis Tedlock’s A Conversation with Madness (translation) from The Human Work, the Human Design: 2,000 Years of Mayan Literature; an essay by Greek artist Demosthenes Agrafiotis on traditional writing systems & art making (French); Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s concrete poetry translation of an Ojibwa poem Song of the Owl; Dinita Smith on Incantations, a handmade book of original writings in Tsotzil by Mayan women; Ambar Past’s Introduction to the Tzotzil Mayan Incantations book; and The People’s Poetry Language Initiative — A Declaration Of Poetic Rights And Values. Stay tuned for Ethnopoetic Sound updates including Ethel Waters’ “That Dada Strain” (1922) and “The Signifying Monkey: Two Versions of a Toast.”

Primary Texts of American and British Conceptual Art (1965-1971): Dozens of documents, statements, interviews and theories of conceptual art by the first wave of artists. Including texts by Art & Language, Terry Atkinson, Robert Barry, Mel Bochner, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Doublas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris, Sol Lewitt, Adrian Piper, Bruce Nauman, Ed Ruscha, Lawrence Weiner and many others.

Henri Chopin Videos: UbuWeb is pleased to present four films of sound poet Henri Chopin (b. 1922): Henri Chopin at Home (13.9 mb, .MOV), Henri Chopin at The Garage (293.9 mb, .MOV); Henri Chopin Live at Espcace Gantner (204.3 mb, .MOV); Undated Henri Chopin Performance (19.3 mb, .MOV). Also see UbuWeb’s vast collection of Chopin MP3s. All videos courtesy of Erratum

Roland Barthes: “Comment vivre ensemble” (1977) and “Le Neutre” (1978) [MP3]: Over 36 hours worth of lectures by Roland Barthes (1915-1980). The audio material available here represents the whole lectures given by Barthes during his first 2 years’ teaching at the Collège de France in 1977 and 1978, and also his inaugural lecture about the question of power (and the way it is inscribed in the core of the language).

Jacques Lacan Hours of archival material from French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan (1901-1981). Includes his 1973 film Télévision (1973), the complete Radiophonie (1970), as well as numerous other lectures dating from 1966-1970. Also included are nine audio recordings of the legendary Séminaire. From 1953 to 1980, Lacan’s Séminaire was the laboratory, the work-in -progress for his Return to Freud project. The Séminaire was a singular place and moment, almost weekly, every year from November to June. Without any connection with university, it was public and open to everyone. Curiously, despite Lacan’s famous verve for grandiloquence and his matchless improvising oral style, none of the 500 sessions have been cleanly and officially recorded (neither audio nor video) until now, presented here on UbuWeb. (audio and video is in French)

Gertrude Stein MP3s In conjunction with our partners at PennSound, UbuWeb is pleased to host a number of audio recordings by Gertrude Stein made during the years of 1934-1935 with liner notes by Stein scholar Ulla Dydo. Selections include: “The Making of Americans: Parts 1 & 2″, “Matisse”, “A Valentine to Sherwood Anderson”, “If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso”, “Portrait of Christian Bérard”, “Madame Recamier: An Opera”, “How She Bowed To Her Brother” and “Interview (1934).”

Elana Mann & Adam Overton Conversation Pieces: February 13-17, 2006 [PDF]
Kenneth Goldsmith & Conceptual Poetics Essays by Perloff, Dworkin, Bök and others (2005)
Hans Richter Filmstudie (1926) 32.3 mb [AVI]
Samuel Beckett Not I (with Billie Whitelaw, 1971) 149 mb [AVI]
Mauricio Kagel ACUSTICA for experimental sound-producers and loud-speakers (1971) [MP3]
Steve Benson The Ball // 30 Times in 2 Days (2006) [PDF]
Craig Douglas Dworkin Legion (II) (2006) [PDF]

UBUWEB :: Summer 2006


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Saturday, July 1st, 2006

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El blog (ya comentado anteriormente aqui mismo) BAGATELLEN, dedicado a la música y especialmente a músicas no demasiado comunes, sigue publicando mensualmente una pieza dentro de su apartado .listen.
Tras la excelente aportación a la serie de Nikos Veliotis le sigue otro griego, esta vez mas cercano, ILIOS.
Human Psyche is an abyss es el último trabajo hasta la fecha del artifice del sello antifrost, tras el reciente y recomendado Steloj, disco online publicado como ASTRA (junto a Jason Kahn) bajo el catálogo de CON-V.

Ilios’ mystique sometimes precedes his music. It’s difficult to rely on expectations; his available statements of music (on Antifrost and through scattered webcasts) tend to betray one another, yet the tones and sound sources are undeniably Ilios. Listening to his output over the last few years has been like acclimating to a friend’s mood swings,
Old Testament the most hostile. But it’s occurred to me more than a few times that his music might, someday, yet further benefit: patched together as a single, sequenced work. Were “Human Psyche Is An Abyss” to be part of that string, perhaps it would idle as a troubling denouement. Or as an intro, misleadingly conditioning the listener. Chronologically, I’d think it should indicate nothing.

Recorded by Ilios in Barcelona, Spain, in May, 2006. We’re especially proud to host.

ilios, human psyche is an abyss

+ info: