
June 25th, 2007


ixi-software taldeak ixiQuarks audio programa berria aurkeztu du. Nagusiki ordenagailu bidez zuzeneko inprobisazioak lantzeko tresna bezala aurkezten zaigun aplikazio honek baliabide mordoa eskaintzen du soinuarekin hainbat modutan bapatean lan egin ahal izateko, tresna, efektu, filtro eta jeneradoreen bidez. Momentuz soilik macosx sistema eragilean funtzionatzen du, GPL lizentziapean dago eta ixi-software taldekoen lan guziak bezala beraien webgunetik deskarga daiteke.

El colectivo ixi-software presenta una nueva aplicación para audio llamada ixiQuarks. Este programa diseñado con el objetivo de ofrecer nuevos recursos para improvisar en directo esta construido por diferentes herramientas para procesar audio a tiempo real como efectos, filtros o generadores. De momento solo funciona bajo el sistema operativo macosx, se presenta bajo licencia GPL y como todas las aplicaciones de ixi-sfotware se puede descargar directamente desde su web.

ixiQuarks is graphical user interface (GUI) environment for live improvisation that allows for user interaction on hardware, GUI and code level. The ixiQuarks were made with the intention to be suitable instruments for live improvisation. The environment enables innumerable setups with flexible loading of tools and instruments. The ixiQuarks consist of different types of tools: basic utilities, instruments, effects, filters and generators.

ixiQuarks exist in 3 different forms: ixiQuarks, ixiQuarks Pro and ixiQuarks as Quarks library for SuperCollider. (ixiQuarks are written in the SuperCollider programming language). For non-programmers, we recommend ixiQuarks, for people that like experimenting with programming and write their own instruments as part of ixiQuarks, we recommend ixiQuarks Pro. For SuperCollider users, we simply recommend installing the ixiQuarks from the repository.


basic utilities: AudioIn, Recorder, Player, BufferPool, PoolManager, FreqScope, WaveScope, EQMeter, MixerNode, Amplifier, ChannelSplitter, TrigRecorder.
instruments: SoundScratcher, Predators, Gridder, BufferPlayer, GrainBox, PolyMachine, ScaleSynth
audio effects: Delay, Freeverb, AdCVerb, Distortion, ixiReverb, Chorus, Octave, Tremolo, Equalizer, CombVocoder, RandomPanner, MRRoque, MultiDelay
filters: Bandpass, Lowpass, Highpass, Resonant Lowpass, Resonant Highpass, Resonant, Klanks
generators: Noise, Oscillators

One Response to “ixiQuarks”

  1. ixi Says:

    Hi all

    *Release of ixiQuarks version 3*

    We’ve released version 3 of the ixiQuarks. This version fixes a few bugs
    but most importantly makes it possible to save presets of instruments
    and effects.

    To be found here:

    As ixiQuarks is a research project (that’s how it can be free for you to
    we are interested in contacting you with some questions that we’re
    focusing on.
    Please visit this link and submit your email (whether you like the
    software or not).




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