IVOR CUTLER 1923-2006
March 8th, 2006Ivor Cutler, poeta, abeslaria, musikaria (besteak beste The Beatlesekin edo Soft Machine taldeekin egin zuen lan) eta Chris Cutler perkusiojole ingelesaren aita hil egin da 83 urterekin.
Ivor Cutler, poeta, cantante, músico (trabajó con los Beatles y Soft Machine entre otros) y padre del percusionista inglés Chris Cutler ha muerto a la edad de 83 años.
“Ivor Cutler was a Glaswegian whose humour is surreal, to say the least. He is a master of anecdotes, monologues, comic songs and poems, commentaries on the more neglected aspects of everyday life, and just sheer nonsense. But very often, if one looks beyond the nonsense facade, there seems to be a glint of a message in it all – whether or not he intended it to be, we will never know.” — DA Eger