PUSHING THE MEDIUM #2: Extended deadline

March 15th, 2006

Portugalgo Associação Binaural elkarteak irailaren 15-24 egunetan Nodar herrian ospatuko den Pushing The Medium #2 jaialdirako proposamenak jasotzeko epea martxoaren 20ra bitarte zabaldu du.
Pushing the medium soinu, irudi eta bertzelako mediekin lan egiten duten artisten bilkura bat da, 10 egunez luzatuko dena Portugalgo iparraldeko Nodar herrian.

La asociación portuguesa Associação Binaural extiende el plazo de recibir propuestas para Pushing The Medium #2 encuentro a celebrar en Nodar, Portugal durante los dias 15-24 de septiembre del 2006. la nueva fecha límite es 20 de marzo.

Pushing the medium es un encuentro internacional de artistas visuales, sonoros y otros medios que durante 10 dias pretende generar un espacio de comunicación en el norte de Portugal.


You are invited to submit your application to the Pushing the Medium #2
International meeting to be held in Nodar, Portugal, from September 15-24, 2006.

To facilitate the submission of your works we have extended the deadline to: March 20 (Mon), 2006

Pushing the Medium #2 – Nodar: is an internacional meeting of sound, video and other media artists brought together for a 10 days symposium centered in a small rural village located in the northen part of Portugal.
Associação Binaural is a portuguese non-profit artist-run cultural organization dedicated to local and international cooperation in the fields of media arts, social and environmental research.
More detailed info here: http://www.binauralmedia.org/projects/ptm2.html

Please also visit the site for the grand tour. http://www.binauralmedia.org

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