May 18th, 2009


Iparramerikako urtebeteko egonaldiaren azken egunak profitatuz eta berriki NO FUN FEST jaialdi ezagunean (Sonic Youth, Bardo Pond eta antzekoen ondoan..) parte hartu ondotik, Mattin bira berri batean murgildu da. Aldi honetan DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA bikotea (Mattin eta ” “[sic] Goldie) da errepidera atera dena eta ziur bidean aho bat baino gehiago irikita utziko duena. Beharbada ez beraien gaitasun musikalengatik (eta hala ere izan daiteke, ez zalantzarik egin) baina bai beraien nahasmenerako gaitasunarengatik. Performance-aren, spoken word-aren eta noise emanaldiaren artean, bere leku propioa sortzen du eskenagainean izen ahoskaezineko talde honek, hortarako behar diren elementu guztiak erabiliz, polemika eta probokazioa barne, eta inolako estilo edo joeraren ordainsaririk ordaindu behar izan gabe. Aldiberean DH/HK bikoteak “Humiliated” izeneko bigarren diska argitaratu du baita lehen lana berrargitaratu ere, biak Tochnit Aleph disketxearen eskutik. Badirudi Mattinen berri gehiago ere izanen dugula laister, zenbat diskak argia ikusiko baitute hurrengo egunotan. Argitaratzeko prest (hau idatzi orduko ez badira argitaratu…) dauden lanen artean: CONSUMER ELECTRONICS (Philip Best -White Noise-, Mattin, Gary Mundy) egitasmoaren lan berria, BILLY BAOren azken 3 lanak biltzen dituen “Sacrilege” bilduma, talde beraren “May08″ lan berria, DRUNKDRIVER taldearekin erdibana egindako diska, SAKADAren bertze ale bat… aspaldian lasai xamar zebilela bazirudien ere, Mattin ez da behin ere geldirik egoten den horietakoa…

Aprovechando los últimos días de su estancia (casi un año) en norteamerica y tras haber participado recientemente en el conocido festival NO FUN FEST (junto a lumbreras como Sonic Youth, Bardo Pond y similares…) Mattin se embarca en una nueva gira. En esta ocasión es el dúo DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA (Mattin & ” “[sic] Goldie) el que sale a la carretera y que sin duda alguna dejará a más de un@ boquiabiert@ por el camino, quizás no tanto por sus habilidades musicales (ojo, que también puede ser, porque calidad desde luego no les falta) pero sí por su capacidad de generar confusión allá por donde pisan. A caballo entre la Performance, el spoken word y el noise, este grupo de nombre casi impronunciable encuentra, o mejor, crea su propio hueco en el escenario sin dar explicaciones ni a géneros ni estilos y utilizando para ello todos los elementos necesarios, incluyendo la polémica o la provocación. Paralelamente DH/HK presentan nuevo álbum titulado “Humiliated” y la reedición del primer trabajo publicado en su día por el mismo sello de Mattin, de la mano del sello Tochnit Aleph.
Además, pronto tendremos más noticias de Mattin ya que próximamente verán la luz algunos nuevos y destacables trabajos: lo nuevo de CONSUMER ELECTRONICS (Philip Best -White Noise-, Mattin, Gary Mundy), “Sacrilege” el nuevo recopilatorio de la banda BILLY BAO, así como “May08″ nuevo álbum del combo bilbaíno, un disco a medias con la banda DRUNKDRIVER, una nueva sesión de SAKADA... aunque pareciera que últimamente estuviera más tranquilo, mattin no es precisamente de los que les gusta estar quieto…


Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra North America Tour 2009

20th May
Sala Rossa, 4848 boulevard, Saint-Laurent, Montréal

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra
Tribute to Pierre Mercure, Je Me Souviens 2.3 with Mario Gauthier
composers : Monique Jean, Joshua Bonnetta, Dreamcatcher

22th May
Beerland, Austin, 711 Red River St. Austin TX 78701, Texas

Hatred Surge, Homopolice, Country Club, Drunkdriver/Mattin, Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

23th May
Heco’s, the (De)Composed series
705 Peralta St. West Oakland CA

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

24th May 9pm,
The Hub, 1819 23rd Street, Sacramento, CA 95816

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

26th May
Eight Veil Gallery, Los Angeles

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

28th May 17pm-22pm
Park City Experimental Music Festival-May 28th, 41 Cannon Street, Bridgeport CT

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra, The Chinese Restaurants, Michael Berdan, Twin Stumps, Baldwin Plaza

29th May, 119 Chelmsford St, Lowell MA 01851

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

30th May
Gay Gardens in Allston MA (part of Boston)

Mind Eraser, Heathen Shame, Drunkdriver, Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

31st May
as220, 93 Mathewson, Providence

Drunkdriver, Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

1st June
The Rotunda, Philadelphia

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra

2th June
Issue Project Room, Brooklyn

Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra


First North American tour coinciding with their new release:
“Humiliated� CD Tochnit Aleph (Berlin)

And a reissue of their first work
“Luxury� CD Tochnit Aleph (Berlin)


“Defusing preconceptions of what a live event should be and degrading its components – the sound, the performance, the audience – without imposing aesthetic or moral limits: this is the reason for being of Deflag Haemorrhage/Haien Kontra, the project born in 2001 from the minds of two of the most unpredictable and ‘conceptual’ contemporary sonic activists: Mattin and ” “[sic] Goldie.
Ferocity and immobility, instruments abused and unused, musicians zombiefied in their ‘stage persona’ and in general the sense of psychosis, of necessary superfluousness that gushes from every gesture, from each decision taken by this anglo-basco duo make their live event an experience that is all but impossible to relate to, at least until they’ve stripped you of the costuming of dominant culture. ” “[sic] Goldie is one of the most original noise musician/performers on the European scene. His double album “ABJECTOR”[sic] is a violent and considered examination of the fragmentation of language, the de-composition of instrumental research and the painful suffering that accompanies it. Far from any current or cultural influence, Goldie’s work places itself in a unique conceptual universe, and its cruel voice warbles a mix of agony and ecstasy. Netmage Festival, Italy 2009″

“The most abject music ever made against the reproduction of stereotypes. When noise becomes impotence, when impotence becomes a weapon. Noise and improvisation never done before, including elements of performance and conceptual art. Overdose of meaning, sucked into vacuum of dissolution. You never know where your are. DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA formed in 2001 in Hackney, East London. Noumenal power improv where anything can happen. The improvisation is no longer happening just with musicians and their instruments but on the head of the spectator. Frustration as psychological danger. We all are spectators: appearance of dissolution mirroring the averageness of our lives. Something must be done.” Mattin 2009

DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA collaborated with some of the most radical and legendary musicians in the avant-garde such as Eddie Prevost (AMM) and Philip Best (Consumer Electronics, ex-Whitehouse).

DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE/HAIEN KONTRA performed in European festivals such as Netmage (Bologna), Abject Music (Berlin), MEM (Bilbao) and TheErrorIsMedia (London). They recently depleted a residency at Worm (Rotterdam).

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