Survey on Location and context based media 1

May 30th, 2006

Portugaleko Binaural Media elkarteak elkarrizketa bilduma erakargarri bat argitaratu du bere webgunearen bitartez. Soinua bere lanen medio bezala erabiltzen duten hainbat artista elkarrizketatu dituzte beraien lan metodoak ezagutzera emateko. Tartean Chris Watson, Francisco López edo Yannick Dauby. Testuak soilik ingeleseraz daude binaural mediaren webgunean:


Binaural Media present:
Survey on Location and Context Based Media.
Volume 1

| Chris Watson | Yannick Dauby | Derek Holzer | Francisco Lopéz | Julian Weaver | Marc Behrens |

Binaural Media decided to commission a set of interviews with the aim of creating an overview of working methods with various practitioners. From the more traditional idea of recording nature, to the ideas of amplifying the inaudible; from sound artists to architectural theorists – many people are becoming involved with this inter-disciplinary practice that has yet to be fully investigated.

By beginning this survey Binaural Media are trying to create a dialogue and resource where both listeners and composers can link and learn from each other. This series hopes to develop into a comprehensive and open-ended meditation on the sounds that surround us and how the individuals that work with these sounds are creating their own rules, grammar and vocabulary.

link: All interviews were conducted for this first issue by Mark Mclaren. They are also in pdf format for your convenience. We welcome your feedback. Please direct your suggestions and opinions to us.

Best wishes, Paulo Raposo Luis Costa

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