ALEPHANDRÃ?A: Archivo Copyleft Hacktivista v.1.0

July 19th, 2006

“Nire poesia oso merkea da herriaren ahotik hartu nuen debalde, eta debalde ematen diot herriaren belarriari.”

Metabolik BioHacklab presenta esta compilación web de conceptos e informaciones acerca de las prácticas copyleft y su desarrollo a lo largo de la historia: ALEPHANDRIA

Metabolik BioHacklab-ek copyleft praktiken eta hauen historiaren inguruko kontzeptu eta informazioz betetako webgunea aurkezten du: ALEPHANDRIA
“Todo lenguaje es un alfabeto de símbolos cuyo ejercicio presupone un pasado que los interlocutores comparten; ¿cómo transmitir a los otros el infinito Aleph, que mi temerosa memoria apenas abarca? “
J.L. BORGES, El Aleph.

“The Royal Library of Alexandria was once the largest in the world. It is usually assumed to have been founded at the beginning of the 3rd century BC (…) The Library is estimated to have stored at its peak 400,000 to 700,000 scrolls. (…) Not surprisingly, the Great Library became a symbol for knowledge itself, and its destruction was attributed to those who were portrayed as ignorant barbarians, often for purely political reasons. One account of such an event of destruction concerns Julius Caesar. During his invasion of Alexandria in 47-48 BC, Caesar set the enemy fleet in the harbor on fire. Some historians believe that this fire spread into the city and destroyed the entire library. “

Now, burn yourself Alephandria before the barbarian empire fleets it on property fire.

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