April 12th, 2013


Miguel A. Garcia eta Oier Iruretagoienak bat egin dute oraingoan, disko bakar bat osatzeko. oBS* disketxe errumaniarraren webgunean argiegi erakusten ez badu ere, diskoak artista hauen pieza bana erakusten dutela ulertu dugu. Belarrietara noiz iritsiko zain…

“Two old friends meet on a narrow street – a place where oppressive suburban field recordings, electronics, and spatiality combine to create these two offerings.
Miguel A. Garcia revisits an older piece, “subsuelos”. Here we find a concatenation of electronic events that dance across the space of a large industrial building and then return. Garcia’s malleable electronics create an immersive chain of events from which we cannot escape.
Oier I. A. delivers an obsessive conception featuring an insistent, radical use of timbre.  We are guided through different sensory chambers until this continuous dance reaches its inevitable denouement.”

teхt by Alejandro Duran

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