[zeromoon] TÃœSÃœRI: Bi saiakera

March 23rd, 2007


Tüsüri: “Bi saiakera EP” (zeromoon records)

Irrati eta landa grabaketak erabili ditu langai eta soinu iturri bakar gisara Tüsüri gipuzkoarrak bere lan berria osatzeko. Bi saiakera, izenak berak dion bezala, bi konposiziorekin osatutako egitasmoa da, 20 eta ia 9 minutukoak hurrenez hurren. Iraupen horrek ordeaz ez dio justizia egiten lanari, luzeagoa izan zitekeen eta, erraz, lasai.
Queriac eta Idhylio Ephokaren jarraipen gisara (badirudi trilogia antzeko bat osatzen dutela hiru lanek, eta izenburuek ere hala iradokitzen dute) heldu den grabaketa honetan, Tüsüriren soinuarekin lan egiteko moduak, metodoak, bere izaera osatuena, helduena erakusten digu. Iluna bezala definitu izan da gehienetan Errenteriakoaren musika, baina gero eta organikoagoa, beltza baino, marroi koloreko ñabardurez betea bihurtzen ari da. Alde batetik, Jim O’rourken hasierako zenbait lan gogora ekarriz (nagusiki Queria Arroy-en) eta irrati zaraten poetika elegantzia haundiz landuz, entzuterakoan Bi saiakera aberatsa bezain gozagarria suertatzen da.
Aspalditik errepikatuz gabiltza eta ez sobera oker, Tüsüriren lana gero eta kalitate haundiagokoa da, eta dudarik gabe lan hau orain arte egin duen ederrena.

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I get overloaded with demos…as if I have nothing else to listen to do much less listen too. But once in awhile there is a glimmer in the mud that attracts the eye, and in this case the ear. Tüsüri is Oier Iruretagoiena, and he comes from the most industrial side of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) according to his bio. His 15 minutes of zeromoon fame is a delightful side tour into field recordings and radio static shaped up into something special. Very beautiful, and created “in the dark.”

Jeff Surak “Violet”


One Response to “[zeromoon] TÃœSÃœRI: Bi saiakera”

  1. Administrator Says:


    TÃœSÃœRI – BI SAIAKERA (MP3 by Zeromoon)
    Oier Iruretagoiena is our man behind Tüsüri and he hails from ‘the most industrial side of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country)’, a location where I presume he makes his field recordings, which he, once at home, processes into music. The origins of the recordings can no longer be traced back to anything we could point out in nature, as everything is quite clouded beyond recognition. He does a fine job in these fifteen minutes, and surely fits the microsound posse, but on the other hand he doesn’t do anything unusual or different than his peers. Since it’s for free to download, I can recommend going to the Zeromoon site and check it out. It’s quite nice. (FdW)
    Address: http://www.zeromoon.com

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