Tuesday, April 20th, 2010dj kanki responsable y voz de la radio Silakka dedica un programa por igual a John Cage y Bazterrak (Enrike Hurtado, IXI). Texto del primero, sonido del segundo y voz de kanki.
Silakka irrati finlandiarreko ahots eta arduradun den djkankik saio berezia asmatu dut, John Cage eta Bazterrak (edo Enrike Hurtado, ixi) artistei erdibana eskainia. Lehenaren hitzak, bigarrenaren soinuak eta kankiren ahotsa.
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Today I will do an experiment: I play BAZTERRAK (Enrike Hurtado)’s LOOPS, 1 hour 20 minutes music “installation” from the year 2008, and at the same time I will read John Cage’s statement on EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC from his book SILENCE, that was printed in the brochure accompanying Geroge Avakian’s recording of my twenty-five-year retrospective concert at Town Hall, New York in 1958.
…. What is the balance between music and my speech so that you can understand the meaning of the text I am reading and at the same time you can enjoy music and even its detail. Is this really possible? Or our concentration works only for one target switching the focus between my speech and music?
Bazterrak: iXi Audio
Note: For those who want to listen to Bazterrak’s loops in plain format without my reading, here it is. Loops part I (ca. 30 inutes) and Loops part II (ca. 50 minutes). Enjoy!