GARCIA & SIMON: Drift / To become

June 12th, 2012


Miguel A. Garcíak eta Daniel Simonek diptiko gogorra eskaini digute. Bi piezak modu antzekoan eginak izanik ere, alegia elementu zorrotzek guruztutako kapa gainjarrien bidez, oso izaera desberdina dute. Bigarrena, to become, indartsu ageri da, gordetzen dituen soinuak bezain grabea. Diptikoa irekitzen duen drift aldiz, dizdiratsuagoa da, arinagoa. Baina bapateko bukaerak ondotik heldu dena kontatzen digu. Bi piezen iraupenak, bost minutukoak, lana behin eta berriz entzutera gonbidatzen dute entzulea. Zentzu honetan drift bigarrenez entzutea gomendatzen dut, to become entzun eta gero, diptikoa to become erdian duen triptiko bihurtuz.
Entzunaldi hortan, Driftek sakontasun indartuak eskaintzen ditu, lehen hurbilketa batean (idazten duen honi behintzat gertatu zitzaion bezala) konturatu gabe pasa zirenak.

Miguel A. García and Daniel Simon offer a severe diptych. Although both pieces are constructed similarly on superimposed layers struck here and there by incisive elements, they are quite distinct in character. The second, to become appears intense, grave, as do its sounds. Drift, which opens the diptych, is more brilliant; it’s lighter. But its abrupt ending prepares us for what follows. The duration of both pieces, approximately five minutes each, invites the listener to listen repeatedly. In this sense, I specially recommend listening to drift for the second time right after to become, thus transforming the diptych into a triptych where to become is the central element. As you listen, drift reaches depths strengthened by to become that, in first instance (or at least that is what happened to the undersigned) had nearly passed unnoticed.

Miguel A. Garcia & Daniel Simon: Drift

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Miguel A. Garcia & Daniel Simon: To become

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